Simeone & Miller, LLP, Law Firm
Personal Injury, ATV Accidents, Aviation Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Birth Injuries, Brachial Plexus Injurie...
Phone:(202) 888-0872
Address: 1825 K Street, NW Suite 650, Washington, DC 20006
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1. Thomas J. Simeone
Title: Partner
Law School: Columbia University School of Law
College: Syracuse University
Admitted: Columbia University School of Law
Practice Area: Personal Injury, ATV Accidents, Aviation Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Birth Injuries, Brain Injuries, Car Accidents, Dog Bites, Legal Malpractice, Medical Malpractice, Motorcycle Accidents, Nursing Home Abuse, Product Liability, Pedestrian Accidents, Premises Liability, Train Accidents, Truck Accidents, Workplace Accidents, Wrongful Death, Commercial Litigation, Family Law, Workplace Discrimination
Membership: Adjunct Professor at The George Washington University Law School American Associate of Attorney-Certified Public Accountants American Association for Justice Trial Lawyers Association of Washington, DC

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