Clark & Bellamy, P.C., Law Firm
Civil Litigation, Corporate Law, Real Estate, Wills, Probate, Juvenile Law, Criminal Law, Patents, Trademarks
Address: 315 N. Crawford St., Thomasville, GA 31799-1997
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1. Mr. Andrew William Clark
Title: Member
Law School: University of Georgia School of Law, Class of 1992, J.D.
College: University of Georgia, Class of 1989, B.B.A., Accounting
Admitted: University of Georgia School of Law, Class of 1992, J.D.
Practice Area: Civil Litigation, Corporate Law, Real Estate, Wills, Probate, Juvenile Criminal Law, Estate Planning, Wills & Living Wills, Elder Law, Trusts, Commercial, Limited Liability Companies, Business Litigation

2. Mr. Brian David Bellamy
Title: Member
Law School: Mercer University, Class of 1998, J.D., Engineering
College: Mercer University, Class of 1991, B.S., Engineering
Admitted: Mercer University, Class of 1998, J.D., Engineering
Practice Area: Child Protection & Advocacy, Intellectual Property

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