Home > Oregon Law Firms > Bend, OR Law Firms > Elliott, Anderson, Riquelme & Wilson, LLP

Elliott, Anderson, Riquelme & Wilson, LLP, Law Firm
Civil Practice, Criminal Defense, Civil Litigation, Business Law, Corporate Law, Construction Law, Personal Inju...
Address: 1558 S.W. Nancy Way, Ste. 101, Bend, OR 97702
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1. Mr. Philip R. Anderson
Title: Member
Law School: University of Oregon, Class of 1995, J.D.
College: University of California, Berkeley, Class of 1990, B.A., Economics and English Literature
Admitted: University of Oregon, Class of 1995, J.D.
Practice Area: Divorce / Separation, Employment Law, Business Law, Commercial Litigation, Real Estate, Personal Injury

2. Mr. Timothy G. Elliott
Title: Member
Law School: Willamette University, Class of 1995, J.D.
College: University of California, Berkeley, Class of 1989, B.A.
Admitted: Willamette University, Class of 1995, J.D.
Practice Area: Financial Markets and Services, Civil Litigation, Business, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Products Liability, Real Estate, Land Use, Construction Law, Criminal Law, Collections

3. Mr. L. Todd Wilson
Title: Member
Law School: Willamette University, Class of 1997, J.D.
College: Santa Clara University, Class of 1994, B.A., History
Admitted: Willamette University, Class of 1997, J.D.
Practice Area: Criminal Defense, Family, DUI & DWI

4. Mr. Mario F. Riquelme
Title: Member
Law School: University of Oregon, Class of 2002, J.D.
College: University of Oregon, Class of 1998, B.S., Economics
Admitted: University of Oregon, Class of 2002, J.D.
Practice Area: Wrongful Death, Personal Injury, Car Crash, Car Accident, Dog Bite, Premises Liability, Litigation, Criminal, DUI, DWI, DWS

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Elliott, Anderson, Riquelme & Wilson, LLP. The number of lawyers in Elliott, Anderson, Riquelme & Wilson, LLP is 2.

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