Home > Florida Law Firms > Tampa, FL Law Firms > Feldman, Fox and Morgado, P.A.

Feldman, Fox and Morgado, P.A., Law Firm
Sexual Harassment and Discrimination; Construction Litigation; Business Contract Litigation; Contract Disputes; ...
Phone:813-774-3734, 813-609-9378
Address: 2701 North Rocky Pointe Drive, Tampa, FL 33607
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1. Mark W. Fox
Title: Member
Law School: Brooklyn Law School, J.D., 1973
College: New York University, B.B.A., 1965
Admitted: Brooklyn Law School, J.D., 1973
Practice Area: Labor and Employment Law; Personal Injury

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Feldman, Fox and Morgado, P.A.. The number of lawyers in Feldman, Fox and Morgado, P.A. is 3.

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