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Hornstein & Bennett PLLC, Law Firm
Address: 7333 E. Doubletree Ranch Rd., Ste. D- 255, Scottsdale, AZ 85258
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1. Mr. James Glen Bennett
Title: Member
Law School: Loyola Law School, Class of 2001, J.D.
College: Brigham Young University, Class of 1998, B.A., Political Science
Admitted: Loyola Law School, Class of 2001, J.D.
Practice Area: Medical Malpractice, Nursing Facility Litigation, Healthcare Licensing Board Matters, Personal Injury, Family Law, Civil Litigation

2. Ms. Gail R. Hornstein
Title: Member
Law School: Albany Law School of Union University, Class of 1993, J.D.
College: State University of New York, Class of 1980, B.A.
Admitted: Albany Law School of Union University, Class of 1993, J.D.
Practice Area: Insurance Defense, Medical Malpractice, Professional Liability, Civil Litigation, Long Term Care Defense, Insurance, Torts

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Hornstein & Bennett PLLC. The number of lawyers in Hornstein & Bennett PLLC is 2.

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