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Pogust, Braslow & Millrood, LLC, Law Firm
Address: 161 Washington St., Ste. 1520, Conshohocken, PA 19428
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1. Harris L Pogust
Title: Member
Law School: Delaware Law School of Widener University, Class of 1988, J.D.
College: Rutgers University, Class of 1985, B.A.
Admitted: Delaware Law School of Widener University, Class of 1988, J.D.
Practice Area: General Practice, Discrimination, Class Action Litigation, Computer Law, Commercial Litigation, Clinical Trials Litigation, Environmental Litigation, General Negligence

2. Derek Todd Braslow
Title: Member
Law School: Temple University Law School, Class of 1996, J.D.
College: University of Pennsylvania, Class of 1993, B.A.
Admitted: Temple University Law School, Class of 1996, J.D.
Practice Area: Products Liability, Personal Injury, Commercial Litigation, Insurance Litigation

3. Tobias Lael Millrood
Title: Member
Law School: University of Tulsa, Class of 1995, J.D.
College: Tulane University, Class of 1992, B.A.
Admitted: University of Tulsa, Class of 1995, J.D.
Practice Area: Personal Injury, Class Actions, Consumer Class Actions, Mass Torts

4. Terence Matthew Leckman
Title: Member
Law School: Temple University, Class of 2003, J.D.
College: University of Pittsburgh, Class of 2000, B.A.
Admitted: Temple University, Class of 2003, J.D.
Practice Area: Civil Rights, Medical Malpractice, Car Accidents, Personal Injury, Health Care

5. Andrew J Sciolla
Title: Associate
Law School: Temple University, Class of 2006, J.D.
College: University of Pennsylvania, Class of 2003, B.A.
Admitted: Temple University, Class of 2006, J.D.
Practice Area: Personal Injury, Slip and Fall Accident, Car Accidents, Trucking Accident, Employment & Labor

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Pogust, Braslow & Millrood, LLC. The number of lawyers in Pogust, Braslow & Millrood, LLC is 6.

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