Alvin P. Perry, Jr.

Trusted Attorneys in Chalmette

Email:Alvin P. Perry, Jr.

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Address: 2209 Pakenham Dr., Chalmette, LA 70043

Fee: $-$$$

Business Hour: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00

Attorneys in Firm: 1

Establish Year:

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Lawyers in Alvin P. Perry, Jr.

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About: Trusted Attorneys in Chalmette

Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.

Clients: Our clients value our commitment to privacy and professionalism.

Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.

References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.

Team Members


Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where is the law firm located?
A: The law firm is located at 2209 Pakenham Dr., Chalmette, LA 70043.

Q: What are the law firm's practice areas?
A: The firm specializes in .

Q: Does the law firm offer free consultations?
A: Yes, the law firm offers a 30-minute free consultation for new clients. Policy might change at any time, please contact us by email to verify in writing.

Q: What are the law firm’s hours of operation?
A: Its opening hours are Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00.Operating hours may change and can be affected by holidays. Please call to make an appointment.

Customer Reviews Write a Review

Review Score:5.0
★★★★★ - The team was prompt and attentive.

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