Home > West Virginia Law Firms > Moundsville, WV Law Firms > Berry, Kessler, Crutchfield, Taylor & Gordon

Berry, Kessler, Crutchfield, Taylor & Gordon, Law Firm
Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Car, Truck and Motorcycle Accidents, Coal, Oil and Gas Issues, Real Estate, Ins...
Address: 514 Seventh St., Moundsville, WV 26041
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1. Eric M. Gordon
Title: Member
Law School: Capital University, Class of 1994, J.D.
College: Ohio Dominican College, Class of 1991, A.B.
Admitted: Capital University, Class of 1994, J.D.
Practice Area: Mine Subsidence, Coal, Oil and Gas Sale and Lease Negotiations, Personal Injury, Real Estate

2. Joseph Ronald Canestraro
Title: Associate
Law School: Duquesne University School of Law, J.D.
College: West Virginia University, B.A., Political Science
Admitted: Duquesne University School of Law, J.D.
Practice Area:

3. Diana Hood Crutchfield
Title: Member
Law School: West Virginia University College of Law, Class of 1983, J.D.
College: West Virginia University, Class of 1980, B.A.
Admitted: West Virginia University College of Law, Class of 1983, J.D.
Practice Area:

4. Jeffrey V. Kessler
Title: Member
Law School: West Virginia University, Class of 1981, J.D.
College: West Liberty State College, Class of 1977, B.A.
Admitted: West Virginia University, Class of 1981, J.D.
Practice Area: Personal Injury, Insurance Disputes and Litigation, Real Estate, Will and Estate Probate, Elder Law, Business and Commercial Transactions

5. Steven T. Taylor
Title: Member
Law School: Western State University, Class of 1979, J.D.
College: Bethany College, Class of 1972, B.A.
Admitted: Western State University, Class of 1979, J.D.
Practice Area: Personal Injury, Domestic Relations

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Berry, Kessler, Crutchfield, Taylor & Gordon. The number of lawyers in Berry, Kessler, Crutchfield, Taylor & Gordon is 5.

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