Practice Area: General Civil Trial, Appellate Practice, Banking Law, Creditors' Rights, Bankruptcy, Commercial Transactions, Corporate Law, Municipalities, Workers Compensation, Insurance, Labor And Employment, Employment Law, Real Estate, Personal Injury, Taxation, Health Care, Hospital Law, School Law, Estate Planning, Wills, Probate, Environmental Law, Family Law
About: Attorney at Law
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: Salina Regional Health Center, Inc.; City of Salina; Salina Airport Authority; Bethany College; Unified School District 305; Tony's Pizza Service; Sunflower Bank, N.A.; Wilson & Company Engineers & Architects; Exide Technologies; The Logan Foundation. Advantage Trust Company; Ballou Construction Co., Inc.; Bethany College; Bethany Home; Blue Beacon International, Inc.; Cashco, Inc.; Central Kansas Mental Health Center; Champion Bus, Inc.; City of Salina; Crestwood, Inc.; DS&O Rural Electric Co-Op, Inc.; Eagle Software, Inc.; El Dorado National; Exide Technologies; Golden Belt Feeders, Inc.; Grain Belt Supply Co., Inc.; Great Plains Federal Credit Union; Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.; Greater Salina Community Foundation; Heartland Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center; Hospice of Salina, Inc.; ISG Technology, Inc.; Kansas State University-Salina College of Technology and Aviation; Kansas Wesleyan University; Lindsborg Community Hospital; The Logan Foundation; Long-McArthur Ford, Inc.; Memorial Health System; Midwest Energy, Inc.; North American Philips; Occupational Performance Center, Inc.; Royal Tire Co., Inc.; St. John's Military School; Saint Francis Community Services, Inc.; Salina Airport Authority; Salina Concrete Products, Inc.; Salina Regional Health Center, Inc.; Salina Regional Health Foundation; Salina Urology Associates; Salina Vortex Corp.; Scientific Engineering, Inc.; Sunflower Bank, N.A.; Sunflower Health Network, Inc.; Sunflower Insurance Group;
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.