Practice Area: General Practice, Litigation, State Government Law, Federal Practice, Legislative Practice, Administrative Law, Commercial Law, Corporate Law, Banking Law, Insurance, Environmental Law, Natural Resources, Probate, Torts, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Products Liability, Water Law, Telecommunications Law, Employment Law, Real Estate, Utility Law
About: The firm has concentrated on complex business litigation for more than fifty-five years.
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: Uranium Producers of America; Uranium Producers of New Mexico; United Van Lines; Mayflower Transit; American Alliance Insurance Co.; General Electric; United Nuclear Corp.; New Mexico Rural Telephone Exchange Carrier Group; Tularosa Basin Telephone Company; Farmers Electric Cooperative. United Nuclear Corp.; Uranium Producers of America; United Van Lines; Mayflower Transit; Great American Insurance Co.; American Alliance Insurance Co.; General Electric; New Mexico Rural Telephone Exchange Carriers Group; Sacred Wind Communications; Centurylink; The Kroger Co.; Farmers Electric Cooperative; Kennecott Energy Co.; Verizon Wireless; Vanliner Insurance Co.; CHRISTUS St. Vincent Regional Medical Center; Prudential Financial Insurance Co.; National Farmers Union Insurance Co.; Xeric Oil and Gas Co.; American Honda Motor Co.; Homestake Mining Co.; Pogo Producing Co.; Questar Southern Trails Pipeline Co.; Uranium Resources, Inc.; First Community Bank; SVH Support Co.; Strathmore Resources; Uranium Energy Corp.; Laramide Resources Rio Tinto Energy America, Inc.; Santa Fe Trust; Del Norte Credit Union; Rio Grande Resources, Inc.; Neutron Energy, Inc.; RLI Insurance Co.; Intrepid Potash, LLC; Copar Pumice Co.; Mosaic Potash Co.; Intercontinental Potash. References: New Mexico Bank and Trust. United Nuclear Corp.; Uranium Producers of America; United Van Lines; Mayflower Transit; Great American Insurance Co.; American Alliance Insurance Co.; General Electric; New Mexico Rura
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.