Practice Area: General Civil Practice, Corporate Law, Insurance, Personal Injury, Workers Compensation, Real Estate, Taxation, Wills, Estates, Trial Practice, Mediation, Complex Litigation, Divorce, Commercial Litigation
About: Legal Excellence since 1884
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: Local Insurance Counsel For: American International Adjustment Co.; C.N.A.; Colonial Penn Insurance Co.; Cotton States Insurance Co.; Employers Casualty Co.; Federated Elec. Insurance Co.; Firemens Fund; Hartford Group; Home Insurance Co.; Kemper Insurance Co.; Liberty Mutual Insurance Co.; Medical Assurance, Inc.; Attorneys Insurance Mutual of Alabama; State Volunteer Mutual Insurance Company; Metropolitan Insurance Co.; American National Assurance Co.; Nationwide; National Security Fire & Casualty Co.; Royal Globe Group; St. Paul; Sedgwick James; Sheffield Risk; State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co.; The Travelers; ACCC.: General Electric; Brown & Root; Cerro Wire & Cable (Marmon Group); 3M; Deere & Co.; Ford Motor Co.; General Motors Corp.; Delphi Automotive Systems (Saginaw & Packard Divisions); Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.; Deere Credit, Inc.; John Deere Construction and Forestry Company; Tankersley; Chiptec, Inc.; Hood Tractor and RV Center, Inc.; International Paper; General Electric; D & S Consulting Engineers, Inc.; Morgan Farmers Cooperative, Inc.; Intergraph, Inc.; Goss Electric Company, Inc.; Ronald Terry Electric, Inc.; Hutto Printing & Advertising, Inc.; Watkins Motor Lines; 3M; Louisiana State Medical Association; Florida Medical Association; Texas Medical Association; and California Medical Association; Valspar; Peebles Oil Company; ProAssurance, Inc.; 3M. Local Insurance Counsel For: American International Adjustment Co.; C.N.A.; Colonial Penn I
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.