Gillis & Aldridge, LLP, Law Firm
Personal Injury, Automobile Accidents, Slip And Fall, Wrongful Death, Construction Accidents, Social Security Di...
Address: 17434 State Road 23, South-bend, IN 46635
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1. Lucinda Lou Kil Gillis
Title: Member
Law School: Notre Dame, Class of 1989, J.D.
College: Loyola University, Class of 1983, B.S., cum laude, Nursing
Admitted: Notre Dame, Class of 1989, J.D.
Practice Area: Ethics & Professional Responsibility, General Practice, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, Workers Compensation

2. Linda S. Aldridge
Title: Member
Law School: St. Louis University, Class of 1990, J.D.
College: Bethel College, Class of 1987, B.S.N.
Admitted: St. Louis University, Class of 1990, J.D.
Practice Area: Worker's Compensation, General Civil Practice, Insurance Defense, Medical Malpractice Defense, Real Estate Law, Personal Injury

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