Home > Oklahoma Law Firms > Bartlesville, OK Law Firms > Glenn E. Davis Law Office

Glenn E. Davis Law Office, Law Firm
General Practice, Corporate Law, Pipelines-Energy
Address: 117 W. 5th St., Ste. 402, Bartlesville, OK 74015
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1. Christi Mae Alcox
Title: Attorney
Law School: University of Tulsa College of Law, Class of 2008, J.D.
College: Northeastern State University, Class of 2003, B.S., Criminal Justice
Admitted: University of Tulsa College of Law, Class of 2008, J.D.
Practice Area: Criminal Defense, Family Law, Adoption, Divorce, Guardianship, Workers Compensation, Estate Planning and Probate, Immigration, Labor and Employment

2. Glenn E. Davis
Title: Member
Law School: Rutgers University School of Law, Class of 1963, J.D.
College: Muhlenberg College, Class of 1960, B.A.
Admitted: Rutgers University School of Law, Class of 1963, J.D.
Practice Area: Energy, Trusts and Estates, Family Law, Criminal Law, Corporate Law

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Glenn E. Davis Law Office. The number of lawyers in Glenn E. Davis Law Office is 2.

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