Home > Arizona Law Firms > Prescott, AZ Law Firms > Gregory W. Huber, P.C.

Gregory W. Huber, P.C., Law Firm
Real Estate Transactions, Planned Communities, Finance, Business Acquisitions and Formations, General Counsel to...
Address: 3031 Dollar Mark Way, Suite A, Prescott, AZ 86305
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1. Gregory W. Huber
Title: Partner
Law School: University of Virginia Law School, J.D., 1985
College: George Washington University, B.B.A., Accounting, 1981
Admitted: University of Virginia Law School, J.D., 1985
Practice Area: Commercial Real Estate; Finance; Business Transactions
Membership: State Bar of Arizona; Yavapai County and American Bar Associations.

2. Lori Marschke
Title: Associate
Law School: Valparaiso University, J.D., 2005
College: University of Minnesota, B.A.
Admitted: Valparaiso University, J.D., 2005
Practice Area: Commercial Real Estate(30%); Corporate Law(35%); Business Law(35%)
Membership: Yavapai County Bar Association; State Bar of Arizona.

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Gregory W. Huber, P.C.. The number of lawyers in Gregory W. Huber, P.C. is 2.

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