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Hallock & Hallock, Law Firm
Address: 40 W. Cache Valley Blvd., Ste. 9A, Logan, UT 84341
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1. Mr. Todd Nicholas Hallock
Title: Member
Law School: Brigham Young University, Class of 1994, J.D.
College: Arizona State University, B.A.
Admitted: Brigham Young University, Class of 1994, J.D.
Practice Area: Real Estate/Real Property, Estate Planning, Business Formation & Succession Planning, Asset Protection, Farm & Ranch Planning, Charitable Planning, Special Needs Planning, Trust Administration & Probate

2. Ms. Sara Nelson Hallock
Title: Member
Law School: Brigham Young University, Class of 1994, J.D.
College: Utah State University, Class of 1991, B.S.
Admitted: Brigham Young University, Class of 1994, J.D.
Practice Area: Education Law

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Hallock & Hallock. The number of lawyers in Hallock & Hallock is 2.

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