Jones, Waldo, Holbrook & McDonough A Professional Corporation

Attorney at Law

Email:Jones, Waldo, Holbrook & McDonough A Professional Corporation

Web Site:

Phone: 801-521-3200, 801-328-0537

Fax: 630-983-5986

Address: 170 S. Main Street, Suite 1500, Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Fee: $-$$$

Business Hour: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00

Attorneys in Firm: 85

Establish Year: 1875

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Lawyers in Jones, Waldo, Holbrook & McDonough A Professional Corporation

Practice Area: Civil Litigation, Trial Practice, Federal Practice, Administrative Regulation, Banking Law, Bankruptcy, Creditors' Rights, Business Law, Commercial Law, Municipal Finance, Communications Law, Competitive Issues, Constitutional Law, Education Law, Employee Benefits, Employment Law, Labor Law, Environmental Law, Estates, Trusts, Family Law, Franchise Law, Hospital Law, Health Law, International Law, Legal Ethics And Professional Responsibility, Media Law, Natural Resources, Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Pension Plans, Personal Injury, Professional Malpractice, Real Estate, Resort, Condominium Development, Securities, Class Actions, Securities Regulation, Tax Law, Technology Law, Appellate Practice, Utility Law

About: Attorney at Law

Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.

Clients: Counsel for: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.; Lowe's Companies, Inc.; Albertsons, Inc.; Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Utah; Amalgamated Sugar Co., L.L.C. Counsel For: Wells Fargo Bank, Northwest, N.A.; Salt Lake Tribune; Browning (Browning Arms Co.); Regence Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Utah; Mrs. Fields Cookies; Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency; Albertson's; Wal-Mart; Lowe's Companies, Inc.; Flying J Corporation; Hospital Corporation of America; Intel Corporation; Stampin'Up! Inc.; Environmental Land Technologies, Ltd, c/o James Doyle; Washington County School District; E'ola International; Utah State University Research Foundation. References: Wells Fargo Bank (Salt Lake City, Utah, Main Office); Albertson's; Wal-Mart; Lowe's Companies, Inc.

Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.

References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.

Team Members
  • Adam T. Mow - Shareholder - Arbitration and Mediation; Construction Law; Litigation; Real Estate
  • M. Alex Natt - Counsel - Employment and Labor Law; Executive Compensation and Employee Benefits; General Counsel Services; Insurance/Tort; Nonprofit and Tax-Exempt Organizations; Outdoor Sports & Recreation Products Industry
  • Angus Edwards - Shareholder; Leader, Insurance/Tort Practice Group; Former Chair, Litigation Department - Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Employment and Labor Law, Plaintiff Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice Group
  • Brent A. Orozco - Attorney - Agricultural and Other Cooperatives; Antitrust; Commercial Litigation; Competitive Issues; Employment and Labor Law; Insurance/Tort; Intellectual Property; Intellectual Property Litigation; Litigation and Advocacy for Land Use and Environmental Law; Litigation; Business; Litigation
  • Brent T. Winder - Shareholder - Direct Sales; Intellectual Property; Intellectual Property Litigation; International Law; Life Sciences; Media; Outdoor Sports & Recreation Products Industry; Technology
  • J. Blake Terry - Shareholder - Commercial Property Acquisition; Development and Management; Government Incentives for Relocation and Expansion; Land Use/Entitlements; Outdoor Sports & Recreation Products Industry; Owners Associations; Real Estate Finance; Resort and Leisure Development; Retail Development; Real Estate Law; Business Law; Business; Real Estate
  • Brett D. Ekins - Shareholder - Intellectual Property; Intellectual Property Litigation; Litigation; St. George; Media; Outdoor Sports & Recreation Products Industry; St. George Office; Commercial Litigation; Intellectual Property Law; Business; Litigation; Real Estate; St. George Office
  • Chase A. Romney - Associate - Commercial Lending and Banking; Commercial Property Acquisition; Development and Management; Land Use/Entitlements; Owners Associations; Real Estate Finance; Residential Development; Resort and Leisure Development; Retail Development; Real EstateCommercial Lending; Real Estate
  • Chayce D. Clark - Associate - Bankruptcy and Creditors' Rights; Commercial Litigation; Construction Law; Construction Law; Commercial Litigation; General Counsel Services; Real Estate; Business; Litigation
  • Craig H. Howe - Attorney - Litigation
  • Craig R. Mariger - Shareholder; Board of Directors, Past Member; Executive Committee, Pas - Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation, Commercial Litigation, Construction Law, Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
  • Elizabeth M. Butler - Associate - Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Competitive Issues, Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Law, Environmental Litigation, Franchise Law, Intellectual Property Litigation, Litigation and Advocacy for Land Use and Environmental Law, Outdoor Sports & Recreation Products Industry, Water Rights, Commercial, Employment & Labor
  • Eric P. Lee - Shareholder; Managing Partner, Park City Office - Appellate Litigation; Arbitration and Mediation; Commercial Litigation; Construction Law; Land Use/Entitlements; Park City Office; Litigation; Arbitration and Mediation; Litigation; Park City Office; Real Estate
  • Gary G. Sackett - Of Counsel - Administrative Advocacy; Appellate Litigation; Arbitration and Mediation; Energy; Natural Resources and Environmental Law; General Counsel Services; Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility; Leader; Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Practice Group; Litigation
  • George W. Pratt - Shareholder; Member, Board of Directors - Bankruptcy and Creditors' Rights; Commercial Litigation; Foreclosure and Workout; Commercial Litigation; Bankruptcy and Creditors' Rights; Foreclosure and Workout; Litigation; Real Estate
  • Glen D. Watkins - Shareholder - Commercial Lending and Banking; Commercial Property Acquisition, Development and Management; Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Law; General Counsel Services; Government Relations; Land Use/Entitlements; Mergers and Acquisitions; Outdoor Sports & Recreation Products Industry; Owners Associations; Resort and Leisure Development; Retail Development
  • Jacob Redd - Shareholder; Member, Board of Directors (Treasurer) - Commercial Lending and Banking; Communications; Emerging Companies; Executive Compensation and Employee Benefits; General Counsel Services; Government Incentives for Relocation and Expansion; Media; Mergers and Acquisitions; Securities; Technology; Business Law; Business
  • James S. Lowrie - Shareholder - Litigation, Antitrust, Appellate Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation, Commercial Litigation, Competitive Issues, Employment and Labor Law, Healthcare Law
  • Edward R. Munson - Shareholder - Commercial Litigation; Construction; Estates and Trusts; International Law; Tax
  • James W. Peters - Shareholder - Commercial Lending and Banking; Commercial Property Acquisition; Development and Management; Government Incentives for Relocation and Expansion; Land Use/Entitlements; Real Estate Finance; Residential Development; Resort and Leisure Development; Retail Development; Real Estate Law; Leader; Residential Development Group; Real Estate
  • Gregory L. Cropper - Associate - Commercial Property Acquisition; Development and Management; Construction Law; Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances; Land Use/Entitlements; Park City Office; Resort and Leisure Development; Retail Development; Real Estate Law; Real Estate
  • Jeffrey D. Gooch - Shareholder - Plaintiff Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice Group, Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice, Litigation
  • Bruce Wycoff - Shareholder - Appellate Litigation; Bankruptcy and Creditors' Rights; Commercial Litigation; Construction Law; Litigation and Advocacy for Land Use and Environmental Law; Media; Commercial Litigation; Litigation; Real Estate
  • Jerome Romero - Shareholder - Appellate Litigation; Arbitration and Mediation; Bankruptcy and Creditors' Rights; Foreclosure and Workout; Intellectual Property Litigation; Litigation; Bankruptcy and Creditors' Rights; Litigation; Real Estate
  • George R. Sutton - Attorney - Administrative Advocacy; Commercial Lending and Banking; Financial Services & Regulatory Compliance; Government Relations; Insurance Regulatory Law; Financial Services and Regulatory Compliance; Business; Litigation
  • Jesse Oakeson - Associate - Administrative Advocacy; Emerging Companies; Employment and Labor Law; General Counsel Services; Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances; Life Sciences; Mergers and Acquisitions; Securities; Technology; Business Law; Litigation; Employment Law; Business
  • John C. Rooker - Shareholder; Leader, Commercial Litigation Practice Group - Administrative Advocacy; Commercial Litigation; Competitive Issues; Construction Law; Direct Sales; Domestic and Family Law; Private Litigation Services; Litigation; (commercial; contract; construction; domestic; real estate; unfair competition); Litigation; Real Estate
  • Joseph B. Hinckley - Associate - Commercial Litigation; Emerging Companies; Franchise Law; Life Sciences; Mergers and Acquisitions; Securities; Technology; Business Law; Litigation; Emerging Companies; Life Sciences; Mergers and Acquisitions; Securities; Technology; Business; Litigation
  • Kathleen McDonald - Shareholder - Appellate Litigation; Arbitration and Mediation; Construction; Eminent Domain; Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Law; Environmental; Insurance/Tort; Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility; Women Lawyers Group
  • Ken P. Jones - Shareholder - Commercial Property Acquisition; Development and Management; General Counsel Services; Land Use/Entitlements; Outdoor Sports & Recreation Products Industry; Retail Development; Real Estate Law; Corporate Transactions; Business; Real Estate
  • Deborah R. Chandler - Attorney - Litigation; Women Lawyers Group; Bankruptcy and Creditors' Rights; Commercial Litigation; Bankruptcy; Torts
  • Kenneth A. Okazaki - Shareholder - Commercial Litigation; Criminal Law; International Law; Litigation and Advocacy for Land Use and Environmental Law; Media; Private Litigation Services; Securities; Business Law; Litigation; International; Domestic and Family Law; Business; Litigation
  • Kyle V. Leishman - Shareholder - Commercial Lending and Banking, Commercial Property Acquisition, Development and Management, Emerging Companies, Foreclosure and Workout, Government Relations, Owners Associations, Real Estate Finance, Resort and Leisure Development, Retail Development, Real Estate Law, Corporate Law Emerging Companies, Business, Real Estate, Family, Estate Planning
  • Justin Keys - Associate - Commercial Litigation; Litigation
  • Lesley A Manley - Associate - Commercial Litigation; Real Property Litigation; Litigation; Women Lawyers Group
  • Lewis M. Francis - Shareholder; Member, Board of Directors; Leader, Franchise Law Practic - Franchise Law, Immigration, Intellectual Property Litigation, LitigationFranchise Law, Business, Litigation, Copyright Infringement, Trademark Infringement
  • Lewis Miller - Attorney - Commercial Lending and Banking; Commercial Property Acquisition; Development and Management; Owners Associations; Real Estate Finance; Residential Development; Retail Development; Real Estate LawCommercial Lending; Real Estate
  • Keven M. Rowe - President; Shareholder - Commercial Lending and Banking; Commercial Property Acquisition, Development and Management; Government Incentives for Relocation and Expansion; Land Use/Entitlements; Mergers and Acquisitions; Owners Associations; Real Estate Finance; Resort and Leisure Development; Retail Development; Technology
  • Lori W. Nelson - Shareholder - Arbitration and Mediation; Domestic and Family Law; Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility; Outdoor Sports & Recreation Products Industry; Women Lawyers Group
  • Lucy B. Jenkins - Shareholder; Chair, Environmental Law Practice Group - Administrative Advocacy; Energy; Natural Resources and Environmental Law; Environmental Litigation; Estates and Trusts; International Law; Litigation and Advocacy for Land Use and Environmental Law; Outdoor Sports & Recreation Products Industry; Resort and Leisure Development; Women Lawyers Group; Environmental LawEnergy and Natural Resources LawEstates and Trusts; Business; Litigation; Real Estate; Women Lawyers Group
  • Manal Zakhary Hall - Of Counsel - Emerging Companies; Franchise Law; Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances; Technology; Women Lawyers Group; Franchise Law; Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances; Business; Litigation; Real Estate; Women Lawyers Group
  • Marianne G. Sorensen - Shareholder - Commercial Property Acquisition; Development and Management; Competitive Issues; Direct Sales; Emerging Companies; Estates and Trusts; Foreclosure and Workout; General Counsel Services; International Law; Land Use/Entitlements; Nonprofit and Tax-Exempt Organizations; Owners Associations; Real Estate Finance; Residential Development; Resort and Leisure Development; Retail Development; St. George Office; Women Lawyers Group; Real Estate Law; Promotions and Marketing LawInternational Law; Business; Real Estate; St. George Office; Women Lawyers Group
  • Lon A. Jenkins - Shareholder; Member, Board of Directors (Secretary); Member, Executive Committee - Bankruptcy and Creditors' Rights; Commercial Litigation
  • Mark D. Tolman - Shareholder - Department - Litigation, Appellate Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Competitive Issues, Employment & Labor Law, Intellectual Property Litigation
  • Michael Judd - Associate - Commercial Litigation; Employment and Labor Law; Intellectual Property Litigation
  • Marci B. Rechtenbach - Of Counsel - Administrative Advocacy; Appellate Litigation; Arbitration and Mediation; Commercial Litigation; Employment and Labor Law; Insurance/Tort; Women Lawyers Group; Litigation; Litigation; Real Estate; Women Lawyers Group
  • Michael Patrick O'Brien - Shareholder; Former Chair, Litigation Department; Leader, Employment Law Practice Group - Administrative Advocacy; Appellate Litigation; Arbitration and Mediation; Communications; Competitive Issues; Employment and Labor Law; Insurance/Tort; Media; Employment Law; Media Law; Courtroom Litigation; Business; Litigation
  • Mr. Jed K. Burton - Shareholder - Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate and Finance
  • Nathan R. Sumbot - Associate - Commercial Litigation; Emerging Companies; Mergers and Acquisitions; Securities; Technology; Techonology; Business; Litigation
  • Nathan D. Thomas - Shareholder; Member, Board of Directors - Administrative Advocacy; Antitrust; Bankruptcy and Creditors' Rights; Commercial Litigation; Competitive Issues; Criminal Law; Employment and Labor Law; Franchise Law; Intellectual Property Litigation; International Law; Litigation; Employment and Labor Law; Bankruptcy and Creditor's Rights; International Law; Litigation
  • Randon W. Wilson - Shareholder - Administrative Advocacy; Agricultural and Other Cooperatives; Commercial Lending and Banking; Energy; Natural Resources and Environmental Law; Environmental Litigation; Government Relations; Insurance Regulatory Law; Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances; Mergers and Acquisitions; Nonprofit and Tax-Exempt Organizations; Water Rights; Corporate Law; Banking; Agricultural Cooperatives; Real Estate; Mergers and Acquisitions; Business; Real Estate
  • Paul M. Harman - Chair, Board of Directors; Member, Executive Committee; Shareholder - Commercial Property Acquisition; Development and Management; Government Incentives for Relocation and Expansion; Resort and Leisure Development; Retail Development; Real Estate Law; Leader; Retail Development Practice Group; Real Estate
  • Richard Peter Stevens - Attorney - Administrative Advocacy; Arbitration and Mediation; Financial Services & Regulatory Compliance; Government Relations; Insurance Regulatory Law; Mergers and Acquisitions; Business Law; Leader; Insurance Regulatory Law Practice Group; Business
  • Paul R. Smith - Associate - Bankruptcy and Creditors' Rights; Commercial Litigation; Employment and Labor Law; Franchise Law; Intellectual Property; LitigationBankruptcy and Creditors' Rights; Litigation
  • Rick L. Knuth - Shareholder - Administrative Advocacy; Arbitration and Mediation; Bankruptcy and Creditors' Rights; Commercial Lending and Banking; Commercial Property Acquisition; Development and Management; Energy; Natural Resources and Environmental Law; Foreclosure and Workout; Land Use/Entitlements; Real Estate Finance; Residential Development; Resort and Leisure Development; Retail Development; Water Rights; Real Estate Financing and Banking; Real Estate Law; and Litigation; Leader; Water Law Practice Group; Litigation; Real Estate
  • Rick J. Sutherland - Attorney - General Employment Litigation, Labor Relations, Wage and Hour
  • Robinson (Rob) M. Alston - Shareholder; Chair, Business Department; Member, Board of Directors - Department - Business Law, General Counsel Services, Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Stephen C. Clark - Shareholder - Litigation, Appellate Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Domestic and Family Law, Plaintiff Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice Group, Civil Rights, Elder Law, Election Campaigns & Political Law, Commercial, Government
  • Tom Berggren - Shareholder; Chair, Real Estate Department; Member, Opinion Letter Committee - Commercial Lending and Banking; Commercial Property Acquisition; Development and Management; Energy; Natural Resources and Environmental Law; Government Incentives for Relocation and Expansion; Land Use/Entitlements; Nonprofit and Tax-Exempt Organizations; Outdoor Sports & Recreation Products Industry; Real Estate Finance; Resort and Leisure Development; Retail Development; Real Estate Law; Commercial Lending and Banking; Commercial Property Acquisition; Development and Management; Leader; Government Incentives for Relocation and Expansion; Resort and Leisure Development; Land Use/Entitlements; Business; Real Estate
  • Travis Marc Wilson - Shareholder - Commercial Property Acquisition; Development and Management; Direct Sales; Emerging Companies; Entrepreneurship in Higher Education; General Counsel Services; Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances; Life Sciences; Mergers and Acquisitions; Securities; Technology; Business LawReal Estate Law; Business; Real Estate
  • Randall J Holmgren - Shareholder - Estates and Trusts; Tax
  • Matthew Muir - Attorney - Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Estates and Trusts, Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility, Plaintiff Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice Group, Probate, Defective and Dangerous Products
  • Vincent C. Rampton - Shareholder; Leader, Real Estate, Land Use & Environmental Law Practice Group - Department - Litigation, Administrative Advocacy, Appellate Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Eminent Domain, Employment & Labor Law, Environmental Litigation, Litigation & Advocacy for Land Use & Environmental Law
  • Robert C. Dillon - Of Counsel - Commercial Property Acquisition; Development and Management; Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances; Land Use/Entitlements; Owners Associations; Park City Office; Real Estate Finance; Residential Development; Resort and Leisure Development; Retail Development; Real Estate Law; Business; Real Estate


Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where is the law firm located?
A: The law firm is located at 170 S. Main Street, Suite 1500, Salt Lake City, UT 84101.

Q: What are the law firm's practice areas?
A: The firm specializes in Civil Litigation, Trial Practice, Federal Practice, Administrative Regulation, Banking Law, Bankruptcy, Creditors' Rights, Business Law, Commercial Law, Municipal Finance, Communications Law, Competitive Issues, Constitutional Law, Education Law, Employee Benefits, Employment Law, Labor Law, Environmental Law, Estates, Trusts, Family Law, Franchise Law, Hospital Law, Health Law, International Law, Legal Ethics And Professional Responsibility, Media Law, Natural Resources, Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Pension Plans, Personal Injury, Professional Malpractice, Real Estate, Resort, Condominium Development, Securities, Class Actions, Securities Regulation, Tax Law, Technology Law, Appellate Practice, Utility Law.

Q: Does the law firm offer free consultations?
A: Yes, the law firm offers a 30-minute free consultation for new clients. Policy might change at any time, please contact us by email to verify in writing.

Q: What are the law firm’s hours of operation?
A: Its opening hours are Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00.Operating hours may change and can be affected by holidays. Please call 801-521-3200, 801-328-0537 to make an appointment.

Customer Reviews Write a Review

Review Score:5.0
★★★★★ - Highly recommended for immigration cases.

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