Practice Area: General Practice, Litigation, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Hospital Law, Health Care, Trusts And Estates, Wills, Social Security, Corporate Law, Taxation, Criminal Law, Family Law, Real Estate, Insurance, Commercial Law, Natural Resources, Negligence, Labor And Employment, Utility Law, Probate, Non-Profit And Charitable Organizations, Guardianship And Conservatorship, Business Law, Administrative Law, Toxic Torts, Zoning Law, Planning Law, Land Use
About: Trusted Attorneys in Princeton
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: General Counsel For: Bluefield Regional Medical Center, Inc.; Mercer County Building Commission; Mountaineer Resources, Inc.; Bluefield Regional Medical Center Foundation, Inc.; Sanitary Board of Bluefield; Regional Physician Services, Inc. References: First Century Bank, N.A.; First Community Bank, Inc. General Counsel For: Bluefield Regional Medical Center, Inc.; Bluefield Regional Medical Center Foundation, Inc.; Mountaineer Regional Resources, Inc.: First Century Bank, N.A.; Swope Construction Services, Inc.; Platnick Steel & Engineering; Towns of Peterstown and Kimball, West Virginia; Consolidation Coal Co.; First Community Bank, Inc.Approved ATTORNEYS FOR: Lawyers Title Insurance Corp.; Investors Title Insurance Co. References: First Century Bank, N.A.; First Community Bank, Inc. General Counsel For: Bluefield Regional Medical Center, Inc.; Bluefield Regional Medical Center Foundation, Inc.; Mountaineer Regional Resources, Inc.: First Century Bank, N.A.; Swope Construction Services, Inc.; Platnick Steel & Engineering; Towns of Peterstown and Kimball, West Virginia; Consolidation Coal Co.; First Community Bank, Inc.Approved ATTORNEYS FOR: Lawyers Title Insurance Corp.; Investors Title Insurance Co. References: First Century Bank, N.A.; First Community Bank, Inc.
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.