Home > Iowa Law Firms > Sibley, IA Law Firms > Koopman Kennedy & Feller

Koopman Kennedy & Feller, Law Firm
General Practice, Probate, Real Estate, Estate Planning, Trial Practice
Address: 823 3rd Ave., Sibley, IA 51249
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1. Frank E. Kennedy
Title: Attorney
Law School: Drake University, Class of 1961, J.D.
Admitted: Drake University, Class of 1961, J.D.
Practice Area: General Practice

2. Joseph Michael Feller
Title: Attorney
Law School: Creighton University, Class of 1978, J.D.
College: Loras College, Class of 1974, B.A.
Admitted: Creighton University, Class of 1978, J.D.
Practice Area: General Practice, Wills, Trusts, Real Estate, Probate, Estate Planning

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Koopman Kennedy & Feller. The number of lawyers in Koopman Kennedy & Feller is 2.

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