Practice Area: Commercial Law, Creditors Rights, Bankruptcy, Collections, Banking Law, Financial Institution Law, Civil Litigation, Federal Consumer Law Litigation, Foreclosures, Automobile Deficiencies, Credit Cards, Medical Debts, Bad Checks, Business Loans, Commercial Debt, Vehicle, Property Repossessions, Landlord Representation, Lease Litigationlitigation, Equipment Leasing, Mortgage Foreclosure, Credit Card Law, Commercial Loans, Electronic Banking, Commercial Banking, Lender Liability, Letters of Credit, Loans, Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Garnishments, Bankruptcy Chapter 7, Bankruptcy Chapter 11, Bankruptcy Chapter 13, Bankruptcy Litigation, Creditor Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Arbitration, Bankruptcy Chapter 12, Bankruptcy Collections, Bankruptcy Fraud, Bankruptcy Mediation, Bankruptcy Reorganization, Bankruptcy Taxation, Bankruptcy Trustees Rights, Commercial Bankruptcy, Commercial Foreclosure, Commercial Insolvency, Commercial Recovery, Commercial Workouts, Consumer Bankruptcy, Debt Relief, Fraudulent Conveyance, Insolvency, International Bankruptcy, International Insolvency, Liquidations, Out of Court Debt Restructuring, Personal Bankruptcy, Pre-Bankruptcy Workouts, Receivership, Repossessions, Workouts, Workouts Taxation, Litigation, Complex Litigation, Complex and Multi-District Litigation, Defense Litigation, E-Discovery, Federal Civil Litigation, Federal Litigation, International Litigation, Long-Arm Litigation, Trial Practice, U.S. Supreme Court Litigation, Commercial Leasing, Leasing, Leases and Leasing, Commercial Landlord and Tenant Law, Industrial Leasing, International Leasing, Lease Finance, Lease Terminations, Leveraged Leasing, Office Leasing, Rent Control, Retail Leasing, Shopping Center Leasing, Unlawful Detainer, Debtor and Creditor, Creditors Rights in Bankruptcy, Debtor and Creditor Collections, Debtor and Creditor Remedies, Debtor and Creditor Rights, Debtor and Creditor Reorganization, Debtor and Creditor Workouts, International Creditors Rights, Secured Creditors Rights, Unsecured Creditors Rights, Risk Management, ATM Networks, Bank Collections, Bank Failures, Bank Directors and Officers Liability, Bank Foreclosures, Bank Fraud, Bank Holding Company Law, Bank Holding Company Regulation, Bank Insolvency, Bank Mergers and Acquisitions, Banking Antitrust, Banking Litigation, Banking Regulation, Check Fraud, Commercial Credit, Consumer Banking, Consumer Loans, Credit Finance, Credit Fraud, Credit Insurance, Credit Law, Credit Union Law, Currency Law, Escrow Agent Liability, Escrow Law, Exchange Control, Fair Lending, Financial Law, Foreign Exchange, Interest and Usury, International Banking Law, International Loans, Lender Law, Lender Regulation, Lenders Rights, Loan Restructuring, Loan Syndication, Loan Workouts, Merchant Banking, Offshore Banking, Savings and Loan Failures, Savings and Loan Fraud, Savings and Loan Law, Savings and Loan Liquidation, Savings and Loan Regulation, Secured Lending, Thrift Institution Failures, Thrift Institution Regulation, Thrift Institutions Law, Truth in Lending
About: exclusively concentrates in the areas of creditor representation