McNeely Stephenson, Law Firm
Address: 318 Pearl Street, Suite 200, New-albany, IN 47150
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1. Richard A. Bierly
Title: Partner
Law School: Indiana University, Class of 1976, J.D., magna cum laude
College: Indiana University, Class of 1972, B.A.
Admitted: Indiana University, Class of 1976, J.D., magna cum laude
Practice Area: Insurance Defense

2. Mr. Larry R. Church
Title: Partner
Law School: University of Cincinnati, Class of 1991, J.D.
College: Kent State University, Class of 1988, B.A.
Admitted: University of Cincinnati, Class of 1991, J.D.
Practice Area: Commercial Litigation, Elder Law

3. Mr. Steven P. Langdon
Title: Partner
Law School: Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis, Class of 1997, J.D.
College: Indiana University, Southeast, Class of 1993, B.S.
Admitted: Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis, Class of 1997, J.D.
Practice Area: Casinos and Gambling, Insurance Defense, Insurance Bad Faith Defense, Insurance Coverage Defense, Securities Litigation, Railroad Litigation, Trucking Liability, Real Estate Foreclosure, Civil Fraud, Elder Law

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