Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: BNSF Railway Company BP Amoco Co. General Electric Co. Deere & Co. Chevron Chemical Co. Eli Lilly and Co. Monsanto Agricultural Co. The Hertz Corp. Aventis 3M Corp. HON Industries The Waldinger Corp. Wells Fargo Bank Iowa, N.A. American International Group Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield Land O'Lakes Iowa Automobile Dealers Assn. Federation of Iowa Insurers Iowa Life and Health Insurance Assn. Iowa Newspaper Assn. Iowa Chapter, American Institute of Architects Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants Iowa Grocery Industry Assn. Hubbell Realty Co. U-Haul International Iowa Health System Grinnell College American Insurance Assn CHUBB Group of Insurance Cos. ING Groep N.V. Novartis Safeco Insurance Co. GuideOne Insurance Group The Iowa Clinic, P.C. McFarland Clinic, P.C. AmerUs Life Insurance Co. Story Construction Co. Jacobson Companies Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc. Mary Greeley Medical Center Bank of America, N.A. American Gas Assn. Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives Qwest Communications Corp. LightEdge Solutions, Inc. Helena Chemical Co. John Deere Health Care, Inc. Alliant Energy FPL Energy LLC Hawkeye Renewables, LLC Meredith Corporation The Cincinnati Insurance Cos. American Family Mutual Insurance Co. UNUMProvident Companies LaSalle Bank National Association AEGON N.V. Lennox Industries, Inc. American General Life Companies Zurich American Insurance MidAmerican Energy Company FMC Corp. Newsham Genetics, LC.The determination of the need for leg
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.