Rose Law Firm, Law Firm
Address: 5885 Meadows Rd., Ste. 255, Lake-oswego, OR 97035-8639
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1. Ms. Heather E Harriman
Title: Of Counsel
Law School: Western New England College School of Law, Class of 1999, J.D., cum laude
College: University of Oregon, Class of 1996, B.A.
Admitted: Western New England College School of Law, Class of 1999, J.D., cum laude
Practice Area: Tax Law, Debtor and Creditor, Commercial and Business Litigation, Commercial Real Estate, Contracts & Agreements

2. Mr. Adam D Rose
Title: Member
Law School: Harvard Law School, Class of 1997, J.D.
College: Andrews University, Class of 1994, B.A., Economics
Admitted: Harvard Law School, Class of 1997, J.D.
Practice Area: Corporate Transactions, Real Estate Law, Securities Transactions, Business Transactions, Real Property/Land Use, Contracts & Agreements, Business Succession Planning

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