Home > Georgia Law Firms > Conyers, GA Law Firms > Roseberry & Washington, LLC

Roseberry & Washington, LLC, Law Firm
Address: 2430 Wall St., Ste. D, Conyers, GA 30013
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1. Ms. Sherri Len Washington
Title: Member
Law School: Thurgood Marshall School of Law, J.D.
Admitted: Thurgood Marshall School of Law, J.D.
Practice Area: business law, corporate law, criminal defense, criminal law, dog bites, domestic violence, entertainment law, guardianship, living wills, medical malpractice, misdemeanors, personal injury, premises liability, probate, probate litigation, slip and fall, theft, trust planning, trusts, white collar crime, wills, workers compensation

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Roseberry & Washington, LLC. The number of lawyers in Roseberry & Washington, LLC is 1.

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