Seale & Ross, Law Firm
Business and Commercial Litigation, Casualty Defense, Banking, Finance and General Business Counseling, Wills an...
Address: 200 N. Cate St., Hammond, LA 70401
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1. Glen Ray Galbraith
Law School: Louisiana State University, Class of 1994, J.D., Chemical Engineering
College: Louisiana State University, B.S., Chemical Engineering
Admitted: Louisiana State University, Class of 1994, J.D., Chemical Engineering
Practice Area: Business, Commercial Transactions, Commercial Litigation, Employment Discrimination, Intellectual Property, Governmental Liability, Succession Litigation

2. Ms. Amy Lawler Gonzales
Title: Member
Law School: Loyola University New Orleans School of Law, Class of 2000, J.D.
College: Southwestern University, Georgetown Texas, Class of 1996, B.A., Social Studies
Admitted: Loyola University New Orleans School of Law, Class of 2000, J.D.
Practice Area: Appeals, Civil Rights, Lawsuits & Disputes, State, Local And Municipal Law, Litigation

3. Mr. Kenneth L. Ross
Law School: Louisiana State University Law School, Class of 1971, J.D.
Admitted: Louisiana State University Law School, Class of 1971, J.D.
Practice Area: Corporate Law, Probate Law, Estate Planning Law

4. Thomas Jay Seale III
Law School: Louisiana State University, Paul M. Hebert Law School, Class of 1973, J.D.
Admitted: Louisiana State University, Paul M. Hebert Law School, Class of 1973, J.D.
Practice Area: Business Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Real Estate Development, Governmental Liability, Banking Law, Insurance

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