Home > Kansas Law Firms > Ellsworth, KS Law Firms > Sherman Hoffman & Hipp, LLC

Sherman Hoffman & Hipp, LLC, Law Firm
Civil Practice, Federal Practice, Probate, Banking Law, Commercial Law, Trusts, Elder Law, Real Estate, Condemna...
Address: 126 N. Douglas Ave., Ellsworth, KS 67439-0083
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1. Mr. Patrick G. Hoffman
Title: Member
Law School:
Practice Area: Agricultural Law, Elder Law, Real Estate Law, School Law, Oil, Gas & Mineral Law, Taxation, Trust, Estate Planning & Probate, Trusts, Oil & Gas

2. Mr. Gregory R. Hoffman
Title: Member
Law School: University of Kansas, Class of 1984, J.D., , Georgetown University, Class of 1985, LL.M. in Taxation
College: Kansas State University, Class of 1982, B.S.
Admitted: University of Kansas, Class of 1984, J.D., , Georgetown University, Class of 1985, LL.M. in Taxation
Practice Area: Real Estate, Taxation, Probate, Trusts and Estates, Elder Law, Trust, Estate Planning & Probate

3. Mr. John Sherman
Title: Member
Law School: Washburn University of Topeka, Class of 1976, J.D., with honors
College: Ft. Hays Kansas State College, Class of 1973, B.S., cum laude
Admitted: Washburn University of Topeka, Class of 1976, J.D., with honors
Practice Area: Banking, Commercial Transactions, Business, Workers Compensation, Litigation, General Practice, Elder Law, Commercial

4. Ms. Carey Lynn Hipp
Title: Member
Law School: Oklahoma City University School of Law, Class of 1999, J.D.
College: Ft. Hays State University, Class of 1995, B.A.
Admitted: Oklahoma City University School of Law, Class of 1999, J.D.
Practice Area: Juvenile Law, Child Care, Family Law, Estates, Probate, Criminal Law, General Practice, Municipal Law

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Sherman Hoffman & Hipp, LLC. The number of lawyers in Sherman Hoffman & Hipp, LLC is 4.

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