Practice Area: General Practice, Litigation, Federal Practice, Personal Injury, Labor And Employment, Employment Law, Hospital Law, Health Law, Insurance, Administrative Law, Corporate Law, Real Estate, Taxation, Family Law, Probate, Estate Planning, Public Utility Law, Schools, Higher Education Law, Media Law, Municipal Bonds, Zoning Law, Disability Benefits, Workers Compensation, Bankruptcy, Criminal Defense, Securities, Financial Institutional Law, Divorce, Employee Benefits
About: Culture of Excellence, Depth of Experience, Focus on Results.
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: General Counsel for: Androscoggin County Commissioners; Androscoggin Savings Bank; Bates College; Central Maine Medical Center; Auburn Savings & Loan Association; Auburn Housing Authority; Maine School Administrative District No. 52; Lewiston Sun-Journal; Geiger Bros. General Counsel For: Androscoggin County Commissioners; Androscoggin Savings Bank; Bates College; Central Maine Medical Center; Auburn Savings & Loan Association; Auburn Housing Authority; Maine School Administrative District No. 52; Lewiston Sun Journal; YMCA; YWCA; Community Concepts, Inc.; Auburn Water and Sewer Districts; Geiger Bros.; Lewiston Housing Authority; Bangor Gas Company.LOCAL COUNSEL FOR: Chicago Title Insurance Co.; First American Title Insurance Co.; Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.; Employer's Reinsurance Co.; Utica Insurance; Agway Insurance Co.Approved ATTORNEYS FOR: Farmers Home Administration; Lawyers Title Insurance Corp.; Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Co.; First American Title Insurance Co.; Ticor Title Insurance Co.; Maine Municipal Bond Bank; Maine Health and Higher Education Facilities Authority.
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.