Spooner & Associates, P.C.

We always put our clients first. Contact one of our experienced attorneys for a cost effective and efficient resolution to your legal problem. Call 678-804-8352.

Email:Spooner & Associates, P.C.

Web Site: http://www.spoonerlaw.com

Phone: 678-804-8352

Fax: 678-714-5391

Address: 3451 Lawrenceville Suwanee Road, Suite C, Suwanee, GA 30024

Fee: Fixed Hourly Rates
Fixed Fees Available
Free Initial Consultation
Accepts Major Credit Cards

  • Visa
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  • American Express
  • Discover

Business Hour: Monday: By Appointment Only: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Tuesday: By Appointment Only: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Wednesday: By Appointment Only: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Thursday: By Appointment Only: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Friday: By Appointment Only: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Attorneys in Firm: 3

Establish Year: 2002

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Lawyers in Spooner & Associates, P.C.

Practice Area: Family Law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Modification, Child Custody, Litigation, Mediation, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Business Law and Corporate Law, Adoption Law, Small Business Law, Homeowners Association Law, Business Litigation, Civil Litigation, Arbitration, Business Law, Children, Fathers Rights, Grandparents Custody, Military Divorce, Grandparents Visitation Rights, Interstate Child Custody, Child Support, Parental Rights, Parenting Time, Step Parent Adoptions, Termination of Parental Rights, Third Party Custody, Visitation Rights, Contracts, Breach of Contract, Contract Fraud, Contract Litigation, Traffic Violations, Alimony, Parental Kidnapping, Divorce Arbitration, Divorce Mediation, Domestic Violence, Family Arbitration, Family Mediation, Legal Separation Agreements, Marital Agreements, Name Changes, Paternity, Post Divorce Modification, Postnuptial Agreements, Restraining Orders, Spousal Support, Uncontested Divorce, Palimony, Collaborative Family Law, Gay and Lesbian Family Law, General Practice, Equitable Distribution, Legal Separation, Federal Civil Litigation, Accidents, Automobile Accidents and Injuries, Automobile Negligence, Bicycle Accidents, Bodily Injury, Brain Injury, Bus Accidents, Catastrophic Injury, Commercial Vehicle Liability, Cumulative Trauma, Electrical Injury, Head Injury, Motor Vehicle Accidents and Injuries, Pedestrian Injuries, Plaintiffs Personal Injury, Slip and Fall, Spinal Injury, Third Party Wrongful Death, Traumatic Brain Injury, Whiplash, Wrongful Death, Premises Liability

About: We always put our clients first. Contact one of our experienced attorneys for a cost effective and efficient resolution to your legal problem. Call 678-804-8352.

Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.

Clients: Our clients value our commitment to privacy and professionalism.

Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.

References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.

Team Members
  • Andrew Craig Desautel - Associate - Family Law; Divorce; Personal Injury; Traffic Violations; Litigation; Wills; Workers Compensation; Alimony; Adoptions; Child Custody; Child Custody Mediation; Child Protection; Child Support; Child Welfare; Childrens Rights; Cohabitation Agreements; Divorce Arbitration; Divorce Mediation; Domestic Violence; Equitable Distribution; Family Arbitration; Family Mediation; Fathers Rights; Grandparents Custody; Grandparents Visitation Rights; Interstate Adoptions; Interstate Child Custody; Interstate Support; Legal Separation; Marital Agreements; Marital Property Distribution; Marital Property Law; Marital Property Settlements; Name Changes; No Fault Divorce; Palimony; Parental Kidnapping; Parental Rights; Parenting Time; Paternity; Post Divorce Modification; Post Nuptial Agreements; Premarital Agreements; Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs); Restraining Orders; Spousal Support; Step Parent Adoptions; Termination of Parental Rights; Third Party Custody; Uncontested Divorce; Visitation Rights; Accidents; Animal Attacks; Automobile Accidents; Automobile Negligence; Bicycle Accidents; Bodily Injury; Brain Injury; Bus Accidents; Catastrophic Injury; Commercial Vehicle Liability; Dog Bites; Head Injury; Motor Vehicle Accidents; Motorcycle Accidents; Pedestrian Injuries; Personal Injury Appeals; Personal Injury Arbitration; Personal Injury Defense; Personal Injury Mediation; Plaintiffs Personal Injury; School Bus Accidents; Slip and Fall; Spinal Injury; Third Party Wron
  • Dorothy B. "Dodie" Rosenberger - Associate - Family Law; Business Formation; Business Organization; Collections; Civil Litigation; Homeowners Association Law; Wills
  • Farnaz Ghaffarisaravi Ghaffarisaravi - Associate -
  • Lindsey Rae Harrison - Associate - Family Law; Divorce; Child Custody; Post Divorce Modification; Child Custody Mediation; Adoption Law; Alimony; Parental Rights; Child Abduction; Child Advocacy; Child Care; Child Protection; Child Support; Child Welfare; Childrens Rights; Divorce Mediation; Domestic Violence; Family Mediation; Fathers Rights; Grandparents Custody; Grandparents Visitation Rights; Interstate Support; Legal Separation; Marital Agreements; Marital Property Distribution; Marital Property Law; Marital Property Settlements; Military Divorce; Name Changes; No Fault Divorce; Palimony; Parenting Time; Paternity; Post Nuptial Agreements; Premarital Agreements; Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs); Restraining Orders; Spousal Support; Step Parent Adoptions; Termination of Parental Rights; Third Party Custody; Uncontested Divorce; Visitation Rights; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Collections; Garnishments; Civil Law Litigation; Litigation; Trial Practice; Wills; Living Wills; Inheritance
  • Mr. A. Dwight Williams - Associate - Collections, Commercial Collections, Garnishments, Post Judgment Collections, Professional Collections, Family Law, Adoptions, Alimony, Child Advocacy, Child Care, Child Custody, Child Custody Mediation, Child Protection, Child Support, Child Welfare, Childrens Rights, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Family Mediation, Fathers Rights, Gay and Lesbian Family Law, Grandparents Custody, Grandparents Visitation Rights, Interstate Child Custody, Interstate Support, Marital Agreements, Marital Property Distribution, Marital Property Law, Marital Property Settlements, Name Changes, Palimony, Parental Rights, Parenting Time, Paternity, Post Divorce Modification, Restraining Orders, Spousal Support, Same Sex Marriage, Step Parent Adoptions, Termination of Parental Rights, Third Party Custody, Uncontested Divorce, Visitation Rights, Litigation, Civil Litigation
  • Scott K Spooner - Principal - Family Law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Mediation, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Child Custody, Child Support, Post Divorce Modification, Automobile Accidents, Arbitration, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Children, Personal Injury Arbitration, Adoption Law, Personal Injury Mediation, Child Custody Mediation, Fathers Rights, School Bus Accidents, Grandparents Custody, Grandparents Visitation Rights, Parental Rights, Parenting Time, Step Parent Adoptions, Termination of Parental Rights, Adoptions, Third Party Custody, Visitation Rights, Child Abduction, Collections, Child Care, Commercial Collections, Garnishments, Post Judgment Collections, Child Protection, Materialmens Liens, Child Welfare, Mechanics Liens, Childrens Rights, Breach of Contract, Alimony, Divorce Arbitration, Divorce Mediation, Domestic Relations, Domestic Violence, Family Arbitration, Interstate Support, Equitable Distribution, Family Mediation, Legal Separation Agreements, Marital Agreements, Marital Property Law, Marital Property Distribution, Matrimonial Law, Marital Property Settlements, Name Changes, Paternity, Parental Kidnapping, Restraining Orders, Spousal Support, Uncontested Divorce, General Practice, Guardianship and Conservatorship, Advance Directives, Guardianship, Guardianship Administration, Legal Separation, Trial Practice, Litigation, Civil Litigation, Limited Liability Partnerships, Accidents, Automobile Accidents and Injuries, Bicycle Accidents, Bodily Injury, Bus Accidents, Commercial V
  • Travis D. Andres - Associate - Homeowners Association Law; Domestic Relations; Wills; Living Wills; Inheritance; Traffic Violations; Criminal Law


Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where is the law firm located?
A: The law firm is located at 3451 Lawrenceville Suwanee Road, Suite C, Suwanee, GA 30024.

Q: What are the law firm's practice areas?
A: The firm specializes in Family Law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Modification, Child Custody, Litigation, Mediation, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Business Law and Corporate Law, Adoption Law, Small Business Law, Homeowners Association Law, Business Litigation, Civil Litigation, Arbitration, Business Law, Children, Fathers Rights, Grandparents Custody, Military Divorce, Grandparents Visitation Rights, Interstate Child Custody, Child Support, Parental Rights, Parenting Time, Step Parent Adoptions, Termination of Parental Rights, Third Party Custody, Visitation Rights, Contracts, Breach of Contract, Contract Fraud, Contract Litigation, Traffic Violations, Alimony, Parental Kidnapping, Divorce Arbitration, Divorce Mediation, Domestic Violence, Family Arbitration, Family Mediation, Legal Separation Agreements, Marital Agreements, Name Changes, Paternity, Post Divorce Modification, Postnuptial Agreements, Restraining Orders, Spousal Support, Uncontested Divorce, Palimony, Collaborative Family Law, Gay and Lesbian Family Law, General Practice, Equitable Distribution, Legal Separation, Federal Civil Litigation, Accidents, Automobile Accidents and Injuries, Automobile Negligence, Bicycle Accidents, Bodily Injury, Brain Injury, Bus Accidents, Catastrophic Injury, Commercial Vehicle Liability, Cumulative Trauma, Electrical Injury, Head Injury, Motor Vehicle Accidents and Injuries, Pedestrian Injuries, Plaintiffs Personal Injury, Slip and Fall, Spinal Injury, Third Party Wrongful Death, Traumatic Brain Injury, Whiplash, Wrongful Death, Premises Liability.

Q: Does the law firm offer free consultations?
A: Yes, the law firm offers a 30-minute free consultation for new clients. Policy might change at any time, please contact us by email to verify in writing.

Q: What are the law firm’s hours of operation?
A: Its opening hours are Monday: By Appointment Only: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Tuesday: By Appointment Only: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Wednesday: By Appointment Only: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Thursday: By Appointment Only: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Friday: By Appointment Only: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
.Operating hours may change and can be affected by holidays. Please call 678-804-8352 to make an appointment.

Customer Reviews Write a Review

Review Score:5.0
★★★★★ - Good experience, but could be more affordable.

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