Practice Area: Divorce & Separation, Divorce, Legal Separation, Alimony/Maintenance, Common Law Marriage, Divorce Mediation, Specialty Cases, Post Decree Modification, Annulment, Property/Asset/Debt Distribution, Legal Name Changes, Children, Visitation, Guardianship, Custody, Support, Adoption, Paternity, Grandparents Rights/Visitation, Custodial Parent Relocation, Allocation of Parental Rights, Step-parent Adoption, Mediation, Appeals, Family Law, Collaborative Family Law
About: Languages Spoken:
English. | Colorado Family Law AttorneysThe Harris Law Firm handles Colorado Family Law matters throughout the State of Colorado in the following practice areas: Domestic Relations, Child Custody, Colorado Family Law, Divorce, Legal Separation, Child Support, Legal Guardianship, Step Parent Adoption, Post Decree Modifications, Appellate Practice, Grandparent Rights, Etc. Partnership: Rich Harris, Jennie Wray, Katy Ellis
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.