The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Angela Taylor Baker. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Aaron John Luck at McPhillips Shinbaum, LLP is located at 516 S. Perry Street Montgomery, AL 36104. Attorney Alan Thomas Hargrove, Jr. at Rushton, Stakely, Johnston & Garrett, P.A. is located at 184 Commerce Street Montgomery, AL 36104. Attorney Alex L. "Trey" Holtsford, III at Holtsford Gilliland Higgins Hitson & Howard, P.C. is located at 4001 Carmichael Road, Suite 300 Montgomery, AL 36106. Attorney Algert S. Agricola, Jr. at Ryals, Donaldson, & Agricola P.C. is located at 60 Commerce Street, Suite 1400 Montgomery, AL 36104. Attorney W. Allen Sheehan at Capell & Howard, P.C. is located at 150 South Perry Street Montgomery, AL 36104.
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