The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Sharla S. Hales. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Charles S. Zumpft at Brooke Shaw Zumpft is located at 990 Ironwood Drive, Suite 300 Minden, NV 89423. Attorney Clark G. Leslie at Clark G. Leslie is located at 994 Hidden Brook Ct. Minden, NV 89423-5185. Attorney George Marion Keele at George M. Keele, A. P. C. is located at 1692 County Rd., Ste. A Minden, NV 89423. Attorney James R. Hales, Esq. at Rowe Hales Yturbide, LLP is located at 1638 Esmeralda Avenue Minden, NV 89423. Attorney Judy M. Sheldrew at Law Office of Karen L. Winters is located at 1594 Mono Ave. Minden, NV 89423.
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