Home > Oklahoma Law Firms > Owasso, OK Law Firms > Charney, Buss & Williams, P.C.

Charney, Buss & Williams, P.C., Law Firm
Commercial Law, Construction Law, Criminal Law, Family Law, Tax Planning, Litigation, Probate, Real Estate
Address: 12150 E. 96th St. N., Owasso, OK 74055
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  4. Reviews
1. Everett R. Buss
Title: Member
Law School: University of Tulsa, Class of 1991, J.D., , University of Denver, Class of 1992, LL.M., in Taxation
College: Southwest Missouri State University, Class of 1988, B.S.
Admitted: University of Tulsa, Class of 1991, J.D., , University of Denver, Class of 1992, LL.M., in Taxation
Practice Area: Business & Corporate, Business Transactions, Commercial Loans, Commercial Real Estate, Contracts, Elder Law, Estate Planning and Probate, Guardianship, Mergers and Acquisitions, Real Property(Land), Taxation, Trial Practice, Wills & Trusts, Workers Compensation, Probate, Wills & Trusts

2. David Edward Charney
Title: Member
Law School: University of Oklahoma, Class of 1984, J.D.
College: University of Oklahoma, Class of 1981, B.A., Accounting
Admitted: University of Oklahoma, Class of 1984, J.D.
Practice Area: Real Estate, Banking Law, Litigation

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Charney, Buss & Williams, P.C.. The number of lawyers in Charney, Buss & Williams, P.C. is 3.

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