Eaton Peabody, Law Firm
Business Law, Cross Border Transactions, Innovative Enterprise Program, Commercial Finance, Economic Development...
Address: 100 Middle Street, Portland, ME 04112-5235
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1. Michael F. Hahn
Title: Associate
Law School: Pace University School of Law, Class of 1998, J.D., magna cum laude
College: Rutgers University, Class of 1994, B.A., Economics
Admitted: Pace University School of Law, Class of 1998, J.D., magna cum laude
Practice Area: Bankruptcy / Chapter 11, Commercial Finance, Creditor & Debtor Rights, Business Law

2. Mr. Edward F. Feibel, Esq.
Title: Counsel
Law School: University of Maine School of Law, Class of 1982, J.D., cum laude
College: Bucknell University, Class of 1974, B.A.
Admitted: University of Maine School of Law, Class of 1982, J.D., cum laude
Practice Area: Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation

3. Dennis R. Haszko
Title: Associate
Law School: Franklin Pierce Law Center, Concord, New Hampshire, Class of 1998, Juris Doctor
College: Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, Class of 1990, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Admitted: Franklin Pierce Law Center, Concord, New Hampshire, Class of 1998, Juris Doctor
Practice Area: Innovative Enterprise Program, Patent Group, Intellectual Property

4. Seth W. Brewster
Title: Shareholder
Law School: Boston University School of Law, Class of 1987, J.D., magna cum laude
College: Dartmouth College, Class of 1982, A.B., with distinction
Admitted: Boston University School of Law, Class of 1987, J.D., magna cum laude
Practice Area: Commercial, Class Action, Litigation/Dispute Resolution

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