Sherman Law Firm, Law Firm
Personal Injury, Truck Accidents, Automobile Accidents, Slip And Fall, Death Claims, Wrongful Death, Products Li...
Address: 255 W. Main St., Romney, WV 26757
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1. Brian Joseph Vance
Title: Associate
Law School: West Virginia University, Class of 2006, J.D.
College: West Virginia Wesleyan College, Class of 2002, B.S.
Admitted: West Virginia University, Class of 2006, J.D.
Practice Area: Criminal Defense, Bankruptcy, Divorce, Domestic Relations, Criminal Law, Workers Compensation, Social Security

2. Lawrence E. Sherman, Jr.
Title: Member
Law School: West Virginia University, Class of 1989, J.D.
College: West Virginia University, Class of 1986, B.A.
Admitted: West Virginia University, Class of 1989, J.D.
Practice Area: General Practice, Personal Injury, Social Security Disability, Workers Compensation, Divorce Law, Domestic Relations, Criminal Law

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