Vance Halvorson Esq., Law Firm
Address: 1495 Pine Grove Rd., Ste. B201, Steamboat-springs, CO 80477
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1. Vance E. Halvorson
Title: Member
Law School: University of Denver, Class of 1971, J.D.
College: University of Minnesota, Class of 1967, B.A.
Admitted: University of Denver, Class of 1971, J.D.
Practice Area: Advance Medical Directives, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Appeals, Banking Law, Business, Business Organization Law, Civil Trial Law, Commercial Law, Construction Law, Elder Law, Eminent Domain, Estate Administration, Estate Planning, Estate-Litigation, Estates, Foreclosures Law, Mechanic's Liens, Probate, Real Estate Law, Trust & Estate, Water Rights Law, Wills

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