Law Firms near Kittery, Maine

Zerillo Law, LLC
Address: 103 Exchange Street, Kittery, ME 04101
Practice:Personal Injury; Slips, Trips & Falls; Boating Accidents; Motorcycle Accidents; Truck Accidents; Car Accidents; Drunk Driving Accidents; Wrongful Death; Medical Malpractice; Criminal Defense; Sex Crimes; Domestic Violence; Drug Crimes; Federal Crimes; Kidnapping; Assault and Battery; Manslaughter and Homicide; Theft and Embezzlement; Computer and Internet Crimes; Tourist/Out of State Criminal Issues; OUI - Drunk Driving; Family Law; Divorce; Child Support; PFAs and Restraining Orders; Appeals.
Establish Year:

Shaines & McEachern Professional Association
Address: 10 Walker Street, Kittery, ME 03904
Practice:General Trial Practice, Federal Practice, Corporate Law, Probate, Labor And Employment, Commercial Law, Residential Real Estate, Taxation, Negligence, Banking Law, Municipal Bonds, Bankruptcy, Creditor'S Rights, Estate Planning, Family Law, Commercial Loans, Foreclosures, Personal Injury, Workers Compensation
Establish Year:

Reiner and Bouffard
Address: 74 State Rd., Ste. 205, Kittery, ME 03904
Practice:General Civil Practice, Real Estate, Zoning Law, Land Use, Commercial Collections, Corporate Law, Municipal Bonds, Personal Injury, Probate, Litigation
Establish Year:

Russell H. McGuirk
Address: P.O. Box 418, Kittery, ME 03904-0418
Practice:General Civil and Trial Practice in State and Federal Courts.
Establish Year:

Murphys' Law Office
Address: , Kittery, ME 03904-0064
Establish Year:

Gibbons Stevens Law Office
Address: 7 Wallingford Sq., Ste. 206, Kittery, ME 03904
Establish Year:

Note: Above table lists the law firms practicing law in Kittery, Maine. Please click law firm names to view law firm profiles and lawyers in the law firms.

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