Arthur K. Goto, Law Firm
Business Law, Civil Litigation, Contracts, Conveyance, Corporate Law, Eminent Domain, Landlord Tenant Law, Lease...
Address: 707 Richards St., Ste. 517, Honolulu, HI 96813-4623
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1. Arthur K. Goto
Title: Officer
Law School: University of Georgia, Class of 1972, J.D.
College: University of Hawaii, Class of 1960, B.A.
Admitted: University of Georgia, Class of 1972, J.D.
Practice Area: Civil Rights, General Practice, Business Law, Civil Litigation, Contracts, Corporate Law, Eminent Domain, Landlord Tenant Law, Leases and Leasing, Mechanics Liens, Probate, Real Estate, Trusts and Estates, Wills

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