Bayliss Law Offices, Law Firm
Divorce, Child Custody and Visitation, Child Support, Alimony, Juvenile Law, Domestic Violence, Prenuptial Agreements
Address: 3554 Teays Valley Rd., Ste. 114, Hurricane, WV 25526
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1. Anthony Shawn D. Bayliss
Title: Member
Law School: West Virginia University, Class of 1995, J.D.
College: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Class of 1991, B.A., Sociology
Admitted: West Virginia University, Class of 1995, J.D.
Practice Area: Criminal Defense, Bad Faith Insurance, Criminal Law, DUI/DWI, Traffic Violations, Family Law, Adoption, Child Support, Custody and Visitation, Divorce, Insurance Law, Personal Injury, Motor Vehicle Accidents

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