Borgess Law, LLC, Law Firm
Address: 6800 W. Central Ave. Ste. E, Toledo, OH 43617
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1. Ms. Pamela Ann Borgess
Title: Member
Law School: University of Toledo, Class of 2000, J.D., cum laude
College: Bowling Green State University, Class of 1997, B.A.
Admitted: University of Toledo, Class of 2000, J.D., cum laude
Practice Area: Civil Litigation, Family Law, Estate Planning, Trust and Probate, Medical Malpractice Law, Personal Injury Law, Product Liability Law, Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect, Trucking Accident, Wrongful Death, Car Accidents
Membership: Bar Fellowship: (OSBF). In 2015 and 2016, she was also honored to be appointed as Co-Chair of the Access to Justice Awards Steering Committee, which puts on a well-attended yearly event that raises thousands of dollars to support much-needed services for our community's disadvantaged. After achieving partner status… Read more (OSBF). In 2015 and 2016, she was also honored to be appointed as Co-Chair of the Access to Justice Awards Steering Committee, which puts on a well-attended yearly event that raises thousands of dollars to support much-needed services for our community's disadvantaged. After achieving partner status at her prior firm, Ms. Borgess opened Borgess Law, LLC in September 2015. She formed the firm based on the principle that serving individuals is an honor and privilege and that all clients should be treated with dignity, professionalism and respect

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