Practice Area: Civil Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Federal Practice, State Practice, Insurance Casualty Defense, Insurance Coverage Determination, Fire, Property Insurance, Life Insurance, Workers Compensation, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Truck Accidents, Arbitration, Mediation
About: Lawyers helping you!
Former Firm Names: Bottaro, Morefield & Kubin, L.C.
Clients: Counsel and Trial ATTORNEYS FOR: Alliance Insurance Co.; Allied Automotive Group, Inc.; Allied Holdings, Inc.; Allied Systems, Ltd.; American Centennial Insurance Co.; Argonaut Ins. Co.; Balboa Life & Casualty; Cambridge Integrated Services; Canteen Corporation; Century Insurance Co.; Century Surety Insurance Co.; Cincinnati Insurance Co.; City of Overland Park, LRAM Companies; The Connecticut Indemnity Co.; Connecticut Specialty Insurance Group; CUNA Mutual Insurance Co.; C.R. Delivery, Inc.; Detroit Diesel; Durham School Services, Inc.; EBAA Iron; EOS Comp. L.L.C.; Farmland Industries; Federal Express; Fire & Casualty Insurance Company of Connecticut; First State Insurance Co.; Fleming & Hall Administrators; GAB Robins of North America, Inc.; Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc.; GRE Insurance Group; Highway Carrier Co.; Haul Risk Placement Services, Inc.; Helmsman Management Services, Inc.; Industrial Indemnity; The Infinity Group; Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania; International Cinema Equipment, Inc.; Leaseway Logistics; Liberty Mutual Insurance Companies; Mead Reinsurance Corp.; Meadowbrook Insurance Group; Miami Tribe of Oklahoma, Missouri Gas Energy; Moore Group, Inc.; Miller's Group/MilRisk; National Insurance Association; National Union Fire Insurance Co.; Noram; North River Insurance Co.; Northland Insurance Co.; Northwestern National Insurance Group; Ohio Casualty Insurance Group; Old Republic Insurance Co.; One Deacon Ins. Co.; Penske Truck Le
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.