Carbone and Faasse, Law Firm
Election Law, Municipal Law, Contracts, Family Law, Personal Injury, Trusts, Estates, Real Estate
Address: 401 Goffle Road, Ridgewood, NJ 07451-0763
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1. Ralph E Faasse
Title: Member
Law School: Rutgers University School of Law, Class of 1970, J.D.
Admitted: Rutgers University School of Law, Class of 1970, J.D.
Practice Area: Contracts, Family Law, Personal Injury, Trusts and Estates, Real Estate, General Practice, Probate, Probate

2. John M Carbone
Title: Member
Law School: New York Law School, J.D.
College: Villanova University, B.A.
Admitted: New York Law School, J.D.
Practice Area: Election Law, Municipal Law, Contracts, Personal Injury, Real Estate, Civil Rights, Election Campaigns & Political Law, Commercial, Libel & Slander

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