Practice Area: Business Law, Corporate Law, Commercial Law, Banking Law, Civil Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Legislative Practice, Administrative Law, Real Estate, Zoning Law, Planning Law, Land Use, Probate, Estate Planning, Securities, Municipal Bonds, Tax-Exempt Financing, Taxation, Partnership Law, Insurance, Contracts, Construction Law, Collections, Wills, Trademarks, Bankruptcy, Franchising, Intellectual Property, Public Law, International Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Public Financing, Financial Services Regulation, Creditor's Rights, Labor and Employment, Municipal Law
About: Languages Spoken:
English, Spanish | A Tradition of Legal ExcellenceCarlile Patchen & Murphy LLP is a full-service law firm with practice groups concentrating in all major areas of the law. Our firm represents a wide range of commercial and financial enterprises, including large corporations and small and medium-sized businesse...
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: AdCare Health Systems, Inc.; American Ceramic Society; Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.; Anderson Aluminum Corporation; Central Ohio Transit Authority; CF Bank; City Barbeque; City of Columbus; City of Grandview Heights; Cup O'Joe's/Stauf's Coffee Roasters; Fifth Third Bank, an Ohio Banking Association; FirstMerit Bank, N.A.; GMAC Financial Services; Geo. Byers Sons; Homesteaders Life Insurance Co.; Hull & Associates, Inc.; Hyperlogistics Group; InnoSource Inc.; Kessler Sign Company; Live Technologies, Inc.; MS Consultants, Inc.; National City Bank, now a part of PNC, Columbus; Peoples Bank, National Association; SCI Engineered Materials, Inc.; Smith Barney; Steiner+ Associates; TRANSInternational System, Inc.; U.S. Bank, N.A.; Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.; Approved ATTORNEYS FOR: Chicago Title Insurance Co. and Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company References: Fifth Third Bank. AdCare Health Systems, Inc.; American Ceramic Society; Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.; Anderson Aluminum Corporation; Central Ohio Transit Authority; CF Bank; City Barbeque; City of Columbus; City of Grandview Heights; Cup O'Joe's/Stauf's Coffee Roasters; Fifth Third Bank, an Ohio Banking Association; FirstMerit Bank, N.A.; GMAC Financial Services; Geo. Byers Sons; Homesteaders Life Insurance Co.; Hull & Associates, Inc.; Hyperlogistics Group; InnoSource Inc.; Kessler Sign Company; Live Technologies, Inc.; MS Consultants, Inc.; National City Bank, now a part of PNC, Columbu
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.