Home > Alabama Law Firms > Selma, AL Law Firms > Chestnut, Sanders, Sanders, Pettaway & Campbell, LLC

Chestnut, Sanders, Sanders, Pettaway & Campbell, LLC, Law Firm
Civil Litigation, Fraud And Deceit, Torts, Civil Rights, Discrimination, Education Law, Governmental Law, Electi...
Address: One Union Street, Selma, AL 36702-1290
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1. Mr. Kindaka Jamal Sanders
Title: Associate
Law School: Harvard University, Class of 2000, J.D.
College: Morehouse College, Class of 1997, B.A.
Admitted: Harvard University, Class of 2000, J.D.
Practice Area: Criminal Law, Entertainment Law, Civil Practice

2. Mr. Henry Sanders
Title: Managing Partner
Law School: Harvard University, Class of 1970, J.D.
College: Talladega College, Class of 1967, B.A.
Admitted: Harvard University, Class of 1970, J.D.
Practice Area: Education Law, Governmental Law, Torts, Fraud and Deceit, Class Actions

3. Ms. Rose Mary Sanders
Title: Member
Law School: Harvard University, Class of 1969, J.D.
College: Johnson C. Smith University, Class of 1966, B.A.
Admitted: Harvard University, Class of 1969, J.D.
Practice Area: Civil Rights, Race Discrimination, Womens Rights, Human Rights

4. Hon. Collins Pettaway, Jr.
Title: Member
Law School: George Washington University, Class of 1985, J.D.
College: Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, Class of 1982, B.A.
Admitted: George Washington University, Class of 1985, J.D.
Practice Area: Criminal Defense, Election Campaigns & Political Law, Estate Planning, Bankruptcy, Civil Rights, Real Estate, Probate, Trusts and Estates, Wills, Criminal Litigation, Civil Litigation, Election Law

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Chestnut, Sanders, Sanders, Pettaway & Campbell, LLC. The number of lawyers in Chestnut, Sanders, Sanders, Pettaway & Campbell, LLC is 12.

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