Practice Area: General Practice, Personal Injury, Real Estate, Family Law, Corporation Law, Business Law, Probate, Criminal Law, Bankruptcy, Collections, Negligence
About: Trusted Attorneys in Rhinelander
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: Representative Client: M & I Merchants Bank. Action Floors, Inc.; Aetna Insurance Co.; Cirilli's of Rhinelander, Inc.; Gateway Chevrolet-Buick, Inc.; ITT Financial Services; Lakeland General Contractors; Lar-Son & Sons, Inc.; Lassig Bros Construction Co.; Lehman Oil Co.; LoBar Supply, Inc.; M & I Merchants Bank; Northern Title & Abstract Corp.; Northland Imports, Inc.; Northway Toyota Inc.; Northwoods Collections & Recovery; Northwoods Ford Lincoln-Mercury; Associated Bank; Petersen Health Care of Wisconsin, Inc.; Rhinelander Foods, Inc.; Sears Roebuck & Co.; Security Savings & Loan, Heart O Lakes Division; Star Title, Inc.; Town of Monico; USA Financial Services, Inc.; Wipfli-Ullrich-Bertelson; Wisconsin Public Service Corp.
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.