Home > Alaska Law Firms > Fairbanks, AK Law Firms > Clapp, Peterson, Tiemessen, Thorsness & Johnson LLC

Clapp, Peterson, Tiemessen, Thorsness & Johnson LLC, Law Firm
Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Health Care, Insurance, Products Liability, Employment Law, Plaintiffs Perso...
Address: 411 Fourth Ave., Ste. 300, Fairbanks, AK 99701-4711
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1. Mr. Matthew K. Peterson
Title: Member
Law School: University of Minnesota, Class of 1979, J.D.
College: St. Olaf College, Class of 1975, B.A., cum laude
Admitted: University of Minnesota, Class of 1979, J.D.
Practice Area: Insurance Defense, Professional Malpractice, Medical Malpractice, Products Liability, Mediation & Arbitration

2. Ms. Linda J. Johnson
Title: Member
Law School: University of Denver, Class of 1989, J.D.
College: Linfield College, Class of 1985, B.A., cum laude
Admitted: University of Denver, Class of 1989, J.D.
Practice Area: Labor and Employment, Civil Litigation

3. Mr. John J. Tiemessen
Title: Member
Law School: Willamette University, Class of 1991, J.D.
College: Arizona State University, Class of 1987, B.S., magna cum laude
Admitted: Willamette University, Class of 1991, J.D.
Practice Area: Civil Litigation, Occupational Licensing, Personal Injury, Professional Malpractice, Torts

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Clapp, Peterson, Tiemessen, Thorsness & Johnson LLC. The number of lawyers in Clapp, Peterson, Tiemessen, Thorsness & Johnson LLC is 7.

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