Practice Area: Divorce, Family Law, Criminal Law, Custody, Paternity, Child Support, Visitation Rights, Alimony, Annulment, Child Custody, Child Custody Mediation, Civil Unions, Divorce Mediation, Domestic Partnerships, Domestic Relations, Domestic Violence, Equitable Distribution, Family Mediation, Fathers Rights, Grandparents Custody, Grandparents Visitation Rights, Legal Separation, Marital Agreements, Marital Property Distribution, Marital Property Law, Marital Property Settlements, Matrimonial Law, Name Changes, Non-Traditional Family Law, Palimony, Parenting Time, Post Divorce Modification, Post Nuptial Agreements, Premarital Agreements, Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs), Restraining Orders, Spousal Support, Termination of, Third Party Custody, Uncontested Divorce, Criminal Defense, Probate
About: Cripps Law Firm has been delivering results since we opened in 1999 Our goal is to provide both a superior customer experience and tremendous value for our customers. Conveniently located on the town square, across the street from the historic Benton County Courthouse.Eldon E. Cripps has over 28 years of experience in the general practice of law focusing primarily on family and criminal law and is passionate about exceeding your expectatio...
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: Approved Attorneys For: Chicago Title Insurance Co.; St. Paul Title Insurance Co.; Farmers Home Administration; Veterans Administration. Reference: Bank of Bentonville.