Practice Area: General Civil Practice, Trial Practice, Federal Practice, Real Estate, Banking Law, Commercial Law, Litigation, Oil & Gas, Corporate Law, Personal Injury, Probate, Creditor'S Rights, Collections
About: Trusted Attorneys in Hammond
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: Beckwith Machinery Co.; Gil Construction Co., Inc.; Kirk Homes, Inc.; Alack Refrigeration Co., Inc.; Security Federal Savings Bank of Florida; H&W Industries, Inc.; Design Marketing of Louisiana, Inc.; American Augers, Inc.; HWH Microsystems; Dixie Candy and Beverages; Southern Plastics Corporation of Louisiana; Mid-West Chandelier Co.; Tangipahoa Sewer District; Cajun Edge, Inc.; HardWareHouse, Inc.; Central Progressive Bank; First Guaranty Bank; Robert S. Barrilleaux and Associates, Engineers/Surveyors; Trustmark National Bank, McComb, MS; Centerville Land Co.; Stafford Furniture Co.; Note Buyers Financial Services, Inc. Approved Attorney and Agent For: The Security Title Guarantee Corp. of Baltimore.
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.