Drake & Franco PLC, Law Firm
Address: 30600 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 3150, Bingham-farms, MI 48025
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1. Brigid A. Mullinix
Title: Associate
Law School: Wayne State University, Class of 2002, J.D.
College: Eastern Michigan University, Class of 1999, B.S.
Admitted: Wayne State University, Class of 2002, J.D.
Practice Area: Alternative Dispute Resolution, Criminal Law, Government Law, Municipal Law, Negligence Law, Probate, Public Corporation Law, Real Estate, Alternative Dispute Resolution

2. Patrick J. Drake
Title: Member
Law School: University of Detroit, Class of 1990, J.D., magna cum laude
College: Madonna College, Class of 1986, B.S.
Admitted: University of Detroit, Class of 1990, J.D., magna cum laude
Practice Area: Personal Injury Defense, No-Fault Insurance, Premises Liability, Dram Shop, Commercial Litigation, Products Liability, Fraud Litigation, Criminal Law, Family Law, Probate, Estate Planning

3. Anne Marie Franco
Title: Member
Law School: Detroit College of Law, Class of 1988, J.D.
College: University of Michigan, Class of 1985, B.A.
Admitted: Detroit College of Law, Class of 1988, J.D.
Practice Area: Personal Injury, Defense Litigation, Auto Negligence, Premises Liability, Insurance Coverage, Fraud Litigation, Wrongful Death

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Drake & Franco PLC. The number of lawyers in Drake & Franco PLC is 3.

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