Falanga & Chalker, Law Firm
Address: 11200 Atlantis Pl., Ste. C, Alpharetta, GA 30022
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1. Mr. Robert A. Falanga
Title: Member
Law School: John Marshall Law School, LL.B.
College: State University of New York at Albany, B.A.
Admitted: John Marshall Law School, LL.B.
Practice Area: Auto & Truck Accidents, Civil Litigation, Negligence Law, Nursing Homes, Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Product Liability, Scalding-Burn Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Wrongful Death

2. Mr. Ronald F. Chalker
Title: Member
Law School: Woodrow Wilson College of Law, Class of 1982, J.D.
College: Georgia Southern University, Class of 1979, B.S.
Admitted: Woodrow Wilson College of Law, Class of 1982, J.D.
Practice Area: Tort & Insurance Law

3. Mr. R. Alexander Falanga
Title: Associate
Law School: Mercer University, J.D.
Admitted: Mercer University, J.D.
Practice Area: Real Property Law, Tort & Insurance Law, Criminal, Elder, Family Law

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Falanga & Chalker. The number of lawyers in Falanga & Chalker is 4.

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