Home > Michigan Law Firms > Livonia, MI Law Firms > Foley, Baron, Metzger & Juip, PLLC

Foley, Baron, Metzger & Juip, PLLC, Law Firm
Appellate Practice, Aviation Law, Business Law, Litigation, Class Actions, Collections, Commercial Transactions,...
Phone:734-742-1800, 734-332-5280
Address: 38777 Six Mile Road, Suite 300, Livonia, MI 48152
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1. Nicholas Tatro, Esq.
Title: Attorney
Law School: Michigan State University College of Law, Class of 2009, J.D.
College: DePaul University, Class of 2005, B.A.
Admitted: Michigan State University College of Law, Class of 2009, J.D.
Practice Area: Appeals, Business Law, Commercial Litigation, Environmental Law, Insurance Litigation, Litigation, Medicare Set-Aside Allocation, Real Estate

2. Stephanie Karisny
Title: Associate
Law School:
College: Eastern Michigan University, Class of 2009, B.S., Magna Cum Laude, , Wayne State University, Class of 2012, J.D., Cum Laude
Practice Area: Appellate Practice, Business Law, Civil Rights, Environmental Law, Family Law, Government, Medical Malpractice, Insurance, Mass Torts, Real Estate

3. Mrs. Sarah Tupica Berard, Esq.
Title: Principal
Law School:
College: University of Michigan, Class of 2000, B.A., , University of Detroit Mercy, Class of 2007, J.D.
Practice Area: Medical Malpractice Defense, Appeals, Business Issues - Contracts, Family Law, Freedom of Information, Litigation, Landlord and Tenant Law, Wills, Trusts, and Estates

4. Mr. Enrico G. Tucciarone, Esq.
Title: Partner
Law School:
College: University of Pittsburgh, Class of 1991, B.A., , Thomas M. Cooley Law School, Class of 1994, J.D., Cum Laude
Practice Area: Appeals, Business Litigation, Insurance Litigation, Mass Torts, Medical Malpractice Defense

5. Daniel Cortez
Title: Associate
Law School: University of Detroit Mercy, J.D., Cum Laude, 2011
College: Indiana University, B.A., Journalism/Political Science, 2002
Admitted: University of Detroit Mercy, J.D., Cum Laude, 2011
Practice Area: Appeals; Business Issues; Civil Rights, Corrections And 42 USC 1983 Litigation; Healthcare Issues; Insurance; Litigation; Real Estate; Commercial Litigation; Constitutional Law; Environmental Law; Medical Malpractice
Membership: Illinois State Bar Association; State Bar of Michigan; American Bar Association.

6. Mitchell Jackson
Title: Associate
Law School: Indiana University Maurer School of Law, J.D., cum laude, 2010
College: University of Michigan, B.S., Political Science, 2007
Admitted: Indiana University Maurer School of Law, J.D., cum laude, 2010
Practice Area: Business Issues; Healthcare Issues; Insurance; Real Estate; Appeals; Bankruptcy; Commercial Litigation; Litigation; Medical Malpractice
Membership: State of Michigan U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan; Young Lawyers, Litigation and Health Care Sections.

7. David Currie McMurtrie
Title: Senior Associate
Law School: Indiana University Maurer School of Law, J.D., 2008
College: University of Michigan, B.A., 2005
Admitted: Indiana University Maurer School of Law, J.D., 2008
Practice Area: Medical Malpractice; Environmental Law; Healthcare Issues; Litigation; Product Liability
Membership: State Bar of Michigan and the Michigan Society of Healthcare Risk Management (MSHRM)

8. Jennifer Ann Cupples
Title: Associate
Law School: The University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, J.D., 2010
College: Michigan State University, James Madison College, B.A., Social Relations, 2005
Admitted: The University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, J.D., 2010
Practice Area: Business Issues; Litigation; Appeals; Bankruptcy; Commercial Litigation; Construction Law; Government Policy & Practice; Liquor Licensing; Public Pension Law; Real Estate; Wills, Trusts & Estates
Membership: State Bar of Michigan.

9. Clyde M. Metzger, III
Title: Founding Partner
Law School: Thomas M. Cooley Law School, J.D., 1979
College: University of Michigan, B.A., 1975; Albert-Ludwigs Universitat, Freiburg, West Germany, 1974
Admitted: Thomas M. Cooley Law School, J.D., 1979
Practice Area: Appeals, Business Issues, Civil Rights, Corrections And 42 USC 1983 Litigation, Constitutional Law, Healthcare Issues, Insurance, Litigation, Mass Torts, Medicare Set-Aside Allocation, Pharmacy Law, Product Liability, Real Estate
Membership: Washtenaw County Bar Association State Bar of Michigan. | Bar Fellowship: Michigan Defense Trial Counsel; Michigan Society of Hospital Risk Managers; Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc.; Washtenaw County Trial Court Case Evaluation Committee; International Association of Defense Counsel.

10. Nicholas Benedetti Andrew
Title: Associate
Law School: The University of Texas School of Law, J.D., 2011
College: University of Michigan, B.A., Political Science/Environmental Studies, Honors, 2007
Admitted: The University of Texas School of Law, J.D., 2011
Practice Area: Bankruptcy; Environmental Law; Litigation; Appeals
Membership: State Bar of Michigan.

11. Erica J. Szilagy Bledsoe
Title: Associate
Law School: University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, J.D., 2005
College: University of Michigan, B.S., History/Political Science, 2001
Admitted: University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, J.D., 2005
Practice Area: Medical Malpractice; Criminal Law; Family Law; Premises Liability; Negligence
Membership: State Bar of Michigan.

12. Cathy Rogers Bowerman
Title: Principal
Law School: University of North Carolina, J.D., 1976
College: University of North Carolina, A.B., 1973; University of Michigan, M.P.H., 1977
Admitted: University of North Carolina, J.D., 1976
Practice Area:
Membership: Washtenaw County Bar Association; State Bar of Michigan; American Public Health Association; Michigan Defense Trial Counsel.

13. Brian J. Richtarcik
Title: Principal
Law School: Detroit College of Law, J.D., 1995
College: University of Western Ontario, B.A., 1988; University of Windsor, B.Comm., 1990
Admitted: Detroit College of Law, J.D., 1995
Practice Area: Appeals, Business Issues, Civil Rights, Corrections And 42 USC 1983 Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Healthcare Issues, Litigation, Real Estate, Wills, Trusts & Estates, Constitutional Law, Family Law, Medical Malpractice
Membership: Detroit Metropolitan Bar Association State Bar of Michigan Federal Bar Association.

14. Randall A. Juip
Title: Principal
Law School: Wayne State University Law School, J.D., 2000
College: University of Michigan, B.A., History/Political Science, 1997
Admitted: Wayne State University Law School, J.D., 2000
Practice Area: Civil Rights, Corrections And 42 USC 1983 Litigation, Healthcare Issues, Appeals, Business Issues, Commercial Litigation, Litigation, Mass Torts, Medical Malpractice, Product Liability
Membership: Detroit Metropolitan Bar Association Michigan Bar Association American Bar Association Association of Defense Trial Counsel.

15. Anthony Pignotti
Title: Senior Associate
Law School: Ave Maria School of Law, J.D., cum laude, 2007
College: Taylor University, B.A., cum laude, 2004
Admitted: Ave Maria School of Law, J.D., cum laude, 2007
Practice Area: Healthcare Issues, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Appeals, Civil Rights, Corrections And 42 USC 1983 Litigation, Constitutional Law
Membership: Detroit Metropolitan Bar Association State Bar of Michigan Michigan Defense Trial Counsel.

16. Nicholas Nahorski
Title: Associate
Law School: DePaul University College of Law, J.D., 2007
College: Oklahoma State University, B.S., Physiology, with honors, 2002
Admitted: DePaul University College of Law, J.D., 2007
Practice Area: Appellate Litigation, Business Law, Commercial Litigation, Health Law, Insurance Coverage and Litigation, Medical Malpractice Defense, Product Liability, Professional Liability Defense
Membership: Affiliations, State Bar of Michigan , State Bar of Indiana , U.S. District Court , U.S. Bankruptcy Court

17. Benjamin L. Fruchey
Title: Associate
Law School: Michigan State University College of Law, J.D., magna cum laude, 2008
College: Central Michigan University, B.S., Environmental Geology/Hydrology, summa cum laude, 1999; University of Wyoming, M.S., Geology, 2002
Admitted: Michigan State University College of Law, J.D., magna cum laude, 2008
Practice Area: Environmental Law; Toxic Torts; Products Liability; Environmental Regulation
Membership: State Bar of Michigan.

18. Charles D. Brown
Title: Associate Principal
Law School: Michigan State University College of Law, J.D., 1984
College: University of Michigan, B.A., Political Science, 1980
Admitted: Michigan State University College of Law, J.D., 1984
Practice Area: Medical Malpractice; Professional Liability; Insurance Defense
Membership: State Bar of Michigan.

19. Judith A. Sherman
Title: Principal
Law School: Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University, J.D., magna cum laude, 1995
College: Alma College, B.S., Sociology, 1975
Admitted: Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University, J.D., magna cum laude, 1995
Practice Area: Appellate Practice; Medical Malpractice; Premises Liability
Membership: State of Michigan Bar Association and Washtenaw County Bar Association.

20. Jeffrey C. Hart
Title: Associate Principal
Law School: Loyola University Chicago School of Law, J.D., 1995
College: Michigan State University, B.A., 1992
Admitted: Loyola University Chicago School of Law, J.D., 1995
Practice Area: Products Liability; Medical Malpractice; Workers Compensation; Professional Liability; Probate; Criminal Law; Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act; Labor and Employment; Subrogation
Membership: American Bar Association; Illinois Defense Trial Lawyers Association; State Appellate Defenders Organization; Workers' Compensation Lawyers Association.

21. Joseph P. McGill
Title: Principal
Law School: University of Detroit, J.D.; Wayne State University School of Law, LL.M., Corporate/Finance Law, Corporate/Finance, 1994; Wayne State University School of Law, LL.M., Taxation, Tax, 2001
College: Michigan State University, B.A., Finance, 1987; The University of Detroit School of Business, M.B.A., 1990; Oakland Community College, A.B., 1996
Admitted: University of Detroit, J.D.; Wayne State University School of Law, LL.M., Corporate/Finance Law, Corporate/Finance, 1994; Wayne State University School of Law, LL.M., Taxation, Tax, 2001
Practice Area: Appeals, Civil Rights, Corrections And 42 USC 1983 Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Constitutional Law, Healthcare Issues, Intellectual Property, Medicare Set-Aside Allocation, Product Liability, Business Issues, Construction Law, Environmental Law, Family Law, Insurance, Litigation, Real Estate, Wills, Trusts & Estates
Membership: State Bar of Michigan Ohio State Bar Association. | Bar Fellowship: Catholic Lawyers Society of Detroit (Emeritus Director and Past President); Incorporated Society of Irish American Lawyers (Officer Executive Board).

22. Kim J. Sveska
Title: Principal
Law School: Thomas M. Cooley School of Law, J.D., cum laude, 1992
College: Ferris State University, B.S., highest distinction, 1976; Wayne State University, M.S., highest distinction, 1984
Admitted: Thomas M. Cooley School of Law, J.D., cum laude, 1992
Practice Area: Appeals, Business Issues, Environmental Law, Healthcare Issues, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Product Liability, Commercial Litigation, Litigation, Mass Torts, Medical Malpractice, Pharmacy Law
Membership: State Bar of Michigan, Michigan Pharmacists Association (MPA), Michigan Society of Hospital Pharmacists (MSHP), Oakland County Pharmacists Association, sits on the Education Committee of the American Society of Pharmacy Law (ASPL) and Michigan Society of Healthcare Risk Managers (MSHRM).

23. Brian H. Phinney
Title: Associate Principal
Law School: New England School of Law, J.D., cum laude, 2000
College: University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, B.S., Biology, 1997
Admitted: New England School of Law, J.D., cum laude, 2000
Practice Area: Environmental Law; Products Liability; Toxic Torts; Real Estate
Membership: State Bar of Michigan.

24. Richard S. Baron
Title: Principal
Law School: Thomas M. Cooley Law School, J.D., 1981
College: Michigan State University, B.S., Environmental Education, 1978
Admitted: Thomas M. Cooley Law School, J.D., 1981
Practice Area: Construction Law, Real Estate, Litigation, Aviation Law, Business Issues, Commercial Litigation, Environmental Law, Insurance, Mass Torts, Product Liability
Membership: State Bar of Michigan (Chairperson, Environmental Law Section, 1997-1998) State Bar of Wisconsin American Bar Association (Member, Sections on: Aviation Law Litigation) Lawyer-Pilots Bar Association Greater Detroit Chamber of Commerce Thomas Cooley Legal Authors Society… Read more State Bar of Michigan (Chairperson, Environmental Law Section, 1997-1998) State Bar of Wisconsin American Bar Association (Member, Sections on: Aviation Law Litigation) Lawyer-Pilots Bar Association Greater Detroit Chamber of Commerce Thomas Cooley Legal Authors Society International Association of Defense Counsel. Read less

25. Saulius D. Polteraitis
Title: Associate
Law School: University of Connecticut School of Law, J.D., 2005
College: University of Michigan, B.A., English, with honors, 1999
Admitted: University of Connecticut School of Law, J.D., 2005
Practice Area: Medical Malpractice Defense; Products Liability; Premises Liability; Workers Compensation; Negligence
Membership: State Bar of Michigan.

26. Lisa F. Geherin
Title: Of Counsel
Law School: California Western School of Law, J.D., 1996
College: University of San Diego, B.A., 1985
Admitted: California Western School of Law, J.D., 1996
Practice Area: Medical Malpractice Defense; Insurance Defense; Premises Liability; Construction Law
Membership: Washtenaw County Bar Association; State Bar of Michigan; State Bar of California.

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Foley, Baron, Metzger & Juip, PLLC. The number of lawyers in Foley, Baron, Metzger & Juip, PLLC is 14.

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