Practice Area: Labor And Employment, Employment Law Representing Employers, Employment Litigation, Discrimination, Harassment, Class Actions, Erisa Litigation, Affirmative Action, Wrongful Termination, Wage And Hour Law, Ada, Fmla, Airline Labor Law, Labor Union Organizing, Collective Bargaining, Arbitration, Layoffs, Plant Closings, Mergers And Acquisitions, Restructurings, Employment Contracts, Trade Secrets, Employment Law, Business Torts, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Business Immigration, Employee Benefits, Multi-Employer Pension Plans, Workplace Safety, Workplace Violence
About: Attorney at Law
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: ABF Freight System, Inc.; Associated Builders and Contractors, First Coast Chapter; C&S Building Maintenance, Inc.; Coastal Maritime Services, LLC; Economy Electrical Contractors; Kendale, Inc.; Liberty Healthcare; Miller Electric Co.; Trimac Corporation; Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Private Sector Clients: ABF Freight System, Inc.; Ambulance Service, Inc.; Armor Holdings, Inc.; Associated Builders and Contractors; First Coast Chapter; Baker Construction Corp.; Cerner Corp.; Cigna Corporation; Coastal Maritime Services LLC; Construction Trade Services; Cunningham Lindsey, Inc.; Dampier Stucco, Inc.; DeBerry Electric Co.; Economy Electrical Contractors; Elkins Constructors; Family Support Services of North Florida, Inc.; First Group America, Inc.; Hill's Home Care, Inc.; Humana Inc.; Liberty Healthcare; Kendale, Inc.; M.A. Ford Manufacturing Co., Inc.; Medcom; Miller Electric Co.; Mills & Nebraska Lumber Co.; New Breed Corporation; North Florida Erection Co., Inc.; Owen Electric Co.; PG Management Co.; Power Design, Inc.; Putnam-Clay-Flager Economic Opportunity Council, Inc; Sovran Management Corp.; Summit Electrical Contractors; SuperStock, Inc.; The Tom James Co.; Trimac Corporation; Underhill Staffing, Inc.; United Van Lines, Inc.; Unitrin, Inc.; Universal Select, Inc.; Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Public Sector Clients: Clay County Board of County Commissioners; Clay County Clerk; Clay County Property Appraiser. Private Sector Clients: ABF Freight System, Inc.; Ambulance S
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.